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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 14

Chapter 14 Is That Lucas

Patrick continued to send numerous screenshots, but Jameson was no longer inclined to look at them. He tossed his phone aside, hastily fastened his seatbelt, and drove straight to the Cartier residence

Marion’s Twitter had completely exploded. Every time she logged into her main account, her phone would freeze and become unresponsive. She planned to wait another day or two before returning to Twitter. After all, the slap had already landed squarely on Sally’s face

Sally, who often pranced around on Twitter, proudly flaunting the Beautiful Young Authortitle marketed by their company, frequently posted affected and melodramatic content, waiting for people in the comments section to shower her with praise

Sally’s deliberate marketing today was just to disgust Marion, was it not? Now, everyone’s attention was on her and Lucas getting their marriage certificate. Marion instantly transformed from the pitiable bride into the most successfully vindicated Mrs. Craig

The one who should be feeling nauseated was Sally! Thinking of Sally’s indignant reaction, Marion felt an unprecedented sense of satisfaction. If her ankle had fully recovered, she would have rolled on the bed in joy. She was ecstatic

Marion felt she could not express her emotions properly without playing the piano. Just as she entered the music room and set down her phone, the screen suddenly lit up

It was a message from Cassie, likely containing screenshots of Sally being criticized online. Marion smirked, took her phone, and opened the message. However, to her surprise, the screenshots were not comments criticizing Sally but rather from her Moments app

To be precise, it was a screenshot of her Moments followed by the one that said Already Read.‘ 

[Help! Right after you posted your Moments, Lucas followed up with his own! Marion, your husband is unbelievably awesome!

Cassie’s use of your husbandin that sentence left Marion breathless. She coughed several times before regaining her composure. As Marion looked at the screenshots, it suddenly dawned on her- Lucas had posted the Already Readresponse. That person was Lucas

When did Lucas become her WhatsApp friend

[I saw a comment from a mutual friend saying that Lucas hasn’t posted anything in three years. Today, he finally shared a Moment, and unexpectedly, it was a response to your Moments! Damn it!

[Looking at this, could it be that the sudden statement from the Radiant Group’s official account was also orchestrated by Lucas? Damn, could Lucas be your secret admirer?

Seeing Cassie’s excitement, Marion quickly replied: [Honestly, I’m equally surprised.] She took a breath, trying to calm her excitement: [Who would have thought that I didn’t even know Lucas was on my friends list?

[I only realized that person was Lucas after seeing the screenshots you sent me.] Marion added

Chapter 14 Is That Lucas


Cassie chimed in: [The more you talk, the more exciting it sounds. I’ve already imagined a whole storyline of Lucas secretly loving you.


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