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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 202

Chapter 202 How Did We End Up Running Into Her

Lucas carried Marion back to her room. When he set her down, she suddenly noticed the wireless 

earphones in Lucas’s ears

A thought struck her, and she froze. What were you doing just now, Mr. Craig?” 

Please, don’t tell me he was in a meeting!Marion thought to herself

Lucas glanced at her. I was in a meeting, what’s the matter?” 

Why did a plot straight out of a dramatic romance novel have to happen to her

Lucas looked at her. What’s wrong?” 

Marion waved her hand as she blushed. It’s nothing. Go back to your meeting. I won’t disturb you

Nothing, I’m just so embarrassed

But what’s the big deal

It isn’t the first time I’ve embarrassed myself.‘ 

Lucas chuckled as he observed her sad look. Don’t worry. They can’t see us.” 

But they can hear us!” 

They won’t dare talk about it.” 

As Marion thought about Lucas conducting a video conference when she walked in, she felt awkward about the whole situation. Her scalp tingled in unease. II’ll go wash my face. You can go back to the meeting!” 

Such a situation should not be prolonged

Alright,Lucas agreed. If you need anything, find me in the study.” 

Look at how he phrased that

Even if she had a real reason, she would not dare go to study now

Seeing her face turn crimson, Lucas smirked silently and finally left Marion’s room. He was thoroughly satisfied by the reaction he got from her

Meanwhile, the individuals Lucas mentioned as not daring to gossipcould not resist asking among themselves, The one who just came in was Mrs. Craig, right?” 

Mr. Cotton said, Who else could it be? If Mr. Craig was keeping a mistress, there wouldn’t be rumors 

about him.” 

Miss Adelaide then said, I don’t know where these rumors come from. Mr. Craig doesn’t look lacking in any way.” 

Chapter 262 Tonk On We End Up Rotenna Into Her

Mr. Bloom agreed with her, Exactly! Didn’t you hear just now? Mr. Craig said Mrs. Craig was too tired last night!” 


As taucas had left his earphones on, he had heard everything

Seating himself again, he looked at the people on the screen with a smirk. Continue.” 

All three of the executives on his screen thought to themselves, We’re in trouble.‘ 

After that day, Marion dared not casually enter the study anymore

August in Lumina City grew hotter each day. Cassie’s company was planning a beach outing next week, and this weekend, she invited Marion to shop for sexy swimsuits

After a whole afternoon of shopping, Cassie had not found a sexy swimsuit, but Marlon ended up buying two sets of sexy lingerie

Initially, Marion had only taken a casual glance, but Cassie seemed very encouraging. She casually signaled the sales assistant to bring Marion suitable sizes and encouraged her to try them

Marion did not plan to buy anything at first, but after trying on the top in the fitting room and looking at herself in the mirror, she felt slightly shy about it but also thought that such lingerie could be worth experiencing 

So she impulsively swiped her card and made the purchase

Cassie could not find a sexy swimsuit she liked, so the two decided to check out the luxury counters at the nearby Merchant Square

Cassie’s mother’s birthday was approaching, and she planned to pick out a designer bag for her

Marion thought about Richard’s upcoming birthday and chose a watch for him

Cassie had done her homework before their shopping excursion and immediately picked up the bag that had caught her mother’s eye. She swiftly paid the bill with her card

As the two were about to leave, even before exiting the store, they heard a familiar voice nearby, Are there any new arrivals in bags recently?” 

Marion and Cassie exchanged glances, both feeling like their good day had turned sour when they spotted Janice. How did we end up running into her?” 

Jameson’s sister was a difficult character to deal with. Marion had avoided her in the past, and now, she was even less inclined to cross paths with her

Let’s go this way,Marion suggested

Cassie, well aware of Janice’s unpleasantness, agreed, Sure, let’s go.” 

They did not want to get into any unnecessary confrontation

Chapter 202 How Did We End Up Running Into Her

Mr. Bloom agreed with her, Exactly! Didn’t you hear just now? Mr. Craig said Mrs. Craig was too tired last night!” 


As Lucas had left his earphones on, he had heard everything

Seating himself again, he looked at the people on the screen with a smirk. Continue.” 

All three of the executives on his screen thought to themselves, We’re in trouble.‘ 

After that day, Marion dared not casually enter the study anymore


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