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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 203

Chapter 203 You’ve Fallen for Him 

Marion did not know what to say

Outrageous!Cassie said

The bad luck they had stumbled into was unavoidable

Upon seeing Marion and Cassie, Janice’s expression turned sour

The Royce family had faced numerous criticisms because of Marion

Over the past two months, during Marion’s seclusion, Janice could not vent her frustration

However, when she saw Marion, she seized the opportunity, What bad luck! A perfectly fine day, and I run into you!” 

Marion rolled her eyes. Since they had crossed paths, she could not be bothered to avoid Janice

Ignoring Janice completely, Marion and Cassie walked straight past her

Janice, utterly ignored, stomped her foot in frustration. Stop! I’m talking to you. Are you deaf?” 

She stepped right in front of Marion and Cassie to block them

Marion pretended to glance around, then raised her hand, pointing at herself, and said slowly, Are you talking to me?” 

Who else? Are there other people here?” 

Cassie chimed in, Well, there are quite a few shop assistants around, aren’t there?” 

Janice glared at Cassie. Do you have any manners? I wasn’t talking to you. Why are you interrupting me?” 

Then, she turned her attention back to Marion. It seems Lucas doesn’t treat you well. You’ve been married for over two months, and you’re still wearing cheap clothes.” 

Marion was wearing an outfit worth several thousand dollars from a niche designer, but Janice’s words made her speechless

Why aren’t you saying anything? Did I hit the nail on the head?” 

Marion found Janice truly tiring. With so many important matters, why would she play such silly games

If I talk, will you buy me new clothes?” 

Why should I buy you clothes?” 

Then why should I talk to you?” 

Marion rolled her eyes. Do you have a problem? If not, I’ll leave. Don’t keep muttering behind my 

Chapter 203 You’ve Fallen for Him 


back. It’s the weekend, and with so many people around, someone might think I left without paying. Are you coming after me for a debt?” 

Janice turned green at Marion’s retort, and after holding it in for a while, she finally blurted out, My brother is getting married!” 

Oh? So what?Marion responded with indifference

Seeing Marion’s nonchalant demeanor, Janice became even more infuriated. You must have hooked up with Lucas long ago! No wonder you were in such a rush to dump my brother! But you’re still pretending to be sentimental online” 

Did Janice leave her brain at home today?Marion nastily asked herself

As Janice continued her rant, Marion noticed a cup of tea on a nearby table. She walked over, picked it 

and without hesitation, splashed it onto Janice’s face


What! You splashed me?Janice spluttered

Marion coldly stared at her. Bring your brain with you when you go out, will you? If you’re not sober, take a right, cross the road, and dive into the river to clear your head. Think before you speak. If I hear one more word from you about Lucas, next time, it won’t be tea, it’ll be sulfuric acid. Don’t test me!” 

Janice, taken aback by the unexpected side of Marion, was momentarily silenced

Furious, Marion tossed the paper cup at Janice before leaving

What was the point of having such a potty mouth? It would be better for Janice to stitch it up


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