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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 62

Chapter 62 What Did She Just Do

Lucas’s car was parked at the entrance of the villa, and the driver had been 

waiting by the car. When Lucas came out carrying Marion, the driver opened the rear door without glancing at them

Marion had just settled in when Howard came out of the villa carrying her wheelchair

The driver folded the wheelchair and placed it in the back seat before returning to the driver’s seat, awaiting Lucas’s signal

Once the car door was closed, the woody fragrance emanating from the man beside her became even more distinct

Drive,Lucas commanded. The car started moving slowly, and Marion turned her head to look out of the window. After a while, she withdrew her gaze

She had initially wanted to ask Lucas who he was having dinner with, but the man beside her had already closed his eyes, seemingly lost in thought. Well, in that case, she would not ask

Shortly after leaving the villa, the car encountered traffic. The driver hit the brakes so suddenly that it caught Marion off guard. Her forehead was about to hit the seat in front of her, but an extended arm from the side pulled her back in time

In the struggle between brute force and inertia, the former prevailed

She ended up falling into Lucas’s arms, her cheek directly hitting his shoulder. The car came to a stop, and the driver in front apologized profusely. I’m sorry, Mr. Craig and Miss Marion. A car just cut in front of us.” 

Be more careful,Lucas reprimanded lightly. He then looked down at the person in his arms

Are you hurt?” 

Marion was not hurt but her face had turned red. No, I’m okay.” 


Lucas raised his hand and set it on her cheek. He patted her slightly disheveled strands of hair around her ears

Marion had tied her hair into a bun to match it to the standup collar of her dress. She had left a few decorative strands on either side of her face, as letting her hair down would have been cumbersome to manage

The man’s hand was cool as it brushed across her forehead

Chapter 62 What Did She Just Do

Marion quickly pushed his shoulder as she sat back up. Did I hit you just now, Mr. Craig?” 

Lucas lowered his head to check himself, and Marion followed suit

She nearly jumped out of the car when she saw it

The red lipstick mark below the collar seemed to be accusing her of something

In reality, she had not done anything

When she leaned over earlier, her lips had accidentally touched his shirt collar. Marion’s face turned crimson

She nervously tugged at the chain on her handbag and looked up at Lucas, I— I’ll buy you a new one!” 


Lucas seemed indifferent, which only slightly eased Marion’s embarrassment. Fortunately, there were no more little accidents along the way

Twenty minutes later, the car smoothly stopped at the hotel entrance

The driver got out to open the door. Marion looked at the lipstick mark on Lucas’s collar. She could not resist mentioning it to Lucas. Mr. Craig, there’s a stain on your collar.” 

As she said that, she quickly raised her hand, flipped the collar, and folded it back to cover the lipstick mark. Then she nervously withdrew her hand. All set.” 

Lucas glanced at her, as if unaware of her little trick. Thank you.” 

No, no need to thank me.” 

The driver had already brought the wheelchair to the car door. Lucas got out first, and Marion supported herself as she got into the wheelchair


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