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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 63

Chapter 63 Don’t Be Angry, Mr. Craig 

When Marion was wheeled in by Lucas, the people in the private room were visibly surprised. The manager from Radiant Group’s branding department found it particularly puzzling

Was the dinner that night not supposed to finalize the endorsement deal for next year

Of course, despite their confusion, they dared not ask what was going on

With his experience in the entertainment industry, Bruce quickly grasped the situation. Why had Lucas suddenly arranged for dinner that night not a day earlier or later

Bruce felt a chill down his spine as he recalled the trending incident on Twitter involving Marion and Kirk

He pondered a means to find an opportunity to express his stance later. He nudged Kirk with his elbow. Kirk raised his eyebrows, glanced at Marion, and then shifted his gaze to Lucas

Lucas was entirely focused on Marion

After the others pulled out their chairs, he led Marion to her seat. Once seated, there were simple introductions and greetings. Most of the people in the private room were familiar with Marion. It made her feel even more uneasy

After ordering the dishes, Bruce finally found a chance to speak. Mrs. Craig, I didn’t expect the matter you helped Kirk with to become a hot topic. I’m sorry for any inconvenience caused by it!” 

The moment Marion heard him call her Mrs. Craig, her face flushed. She glanced at Bruce in embarrassment. It’s okay, Mr. Price. It’s not a big deal.” 


Bruce nudged Kirk under the table. Kirk looked at Marion and spoke, Regardless, it has caused unnecessary trouble for Mr. and Mrs. Craig. Let me make amends to the both of you.” 

Despite not being a fan of alcohol, Kirk quickly downed a full glass of white wine. Marion was impressed with his boldness

However, she found herself unable to speak freely

She could only discreetly reach out and give a gentle Lucas a hint. He had been sitting quietly without saying much. Mr. Craig, Kirk is my friend. What happened this afternoon wasn’t intentional. Can we just let it go?” 

Chapter 63 Don’t Be Angry, Mr. Craig 


The people present tactfully pretended not to see Marion whispering to Lucas

Lucas turned slightly to listen to her softly speaking up for Kirk

His dark eyes shifted as he watched Kirk who sat across from him

Coincidentally, Kirk had also looked their way. Their gazes met in the airone with a smirk, the other impassively cold. It was like a silent clash between kings, where nothing was said or done, yet all could feel the tension in the air

Others sat quietly, afraid to move or even breathe too loudly, fearing that they might accidentally ignite a spark. Bruce pulled Kirk’s hand. Kirk, this person can’t be messed with!” 


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