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The Broken Warrior’s Daughter by Cooper novel Chapter 101

Chapter 0101 

When we get to my car, I lean against it pulling her against me. I’m sure she can feel my arousal from our time in my bedroom. My dick is pressed against her stomach. No hiding that

I pull her hands up, wrapping them around my neck before moving my hands to her hips, holding her against me

I want you to be my girlfriend.I tell her


You and me. I want us to be together. I want everyone to know that you’re mine.” 

I don’t” 

I cut her off. I know you’re waiting for your mate. And I won’t push you past any limits that you have. But, for the next seven weeks, I want us to be exclusive. You don’t see anyone else, and I won’t see anyone else. It’s just you and me. We’re together. I get to take you on dates. We hold hands in school. I can kiss you in public. The whole nine yards.” 

I know her stance on waiting for her mate, she just doesn’t know she’s waiting for me. That’s okay. We can both wait, but I need be able to spend time with her. Kai needs to be close to her. I’ll find little ways to make sure that we have time together every day

Can I think about it?She asks me

Of course. But I’ll say it now. I want you. You, Cara Nelson, the woman; not Cara Nelson, the Guardian. I want the mind, body and soul, not just the fierce protector that you are.” 

Okay.She says quietly

Okay. I’ll pick you up for school tomorrow?I ask, hoping to start my day with my girl

When she nods yes, I give her a tender kiss. I make a mental note to adjust any conflicts to being able to pick her up and drop her off daily, because I’ll be driving her the rest of the school year

Goodnight love. Sleep well.” 

I watch her wave to me as I pull away. I head back to the pack house. I’m in 

desperate need of a release and a cold shower


When Cara walks back inside, and says goodnight, I watch as she climbs the stairs headed to her room

What’s on your mind Anders? Are you concerned about the two of them together?My oldest and dearest friend asks me

Tonight had been a wonderful walk down memory lane. Seeing our pups going through the same life experiences we have been through just brought it all back. I haven’t seen Clint laugh as much as he did tonight since, well, not since Lily’s death. It felt really good to have my friend back

Not concerned in the way that you are thinking Clint.” 


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