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The Broken Warrior’s Daughter by Cooper novel Chapter 106

Chapter 0106 

Rik picks me up, right on time. I head out to meet him and he seems perturbed, jogging up to me and taking my bag. He kisses me on the nose and I blush

Romantic Rik is bewitching

He opens the door for me. Ok, I can totally get into Gentleman Rik as well. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t like the attention

As we head out, he reminds me to ask my question. I don’t know why it’s important to me that he joins me when I visit my mom, but I want him to say yes. My desire for him to join me only makes me feel insecure in asking him, so I start off by telling him he can say no. I swear I hear him scoff

I get so nervous, I can’t get the words out. I’m rubbing my hands together, looking out the window, trying to find the words, when I feel his hand on mine. I look up at him and he’s got me locked in his intense gaze. Without thinking, I ask 


As he repeats it back to me, like he can’t believe I would ask that, I hear how dumb it sounds and immediately start backpedaling, telling him he can say no

When he says he’ll come with me, I feel relief, until he adds the stipulation of a date

Here’s the thing. I’ve been focused on my training and my studies my entire life. Two hours of training in the morning, school, two hours of training at night, dinner, homework, sleep, repeat. Even my weekends are focused on training and studies. You see where I’m going? There has never been room for dating in my life. Ever. The most I’ve ever done over the last year, is go dancing on Friday nights and more recently Liam would drive me home. Sometimes we’d stop for food, like the last time. But, that’s not a date. I’m nearly 18 years old and I have no idea how to act or what to do on a date

I’m not used to feeling insecure, but I do now. What if Rik thinks I’m too immature to date? What if I do it all wrong and he realizes he’s wasting his time on me. He says it’s not as his girlfriend and he just wants to go to dinner. I can do dinner, right? I mean, we had dinner last night with our parents and it was fine. How hard can it be having dinner at a restaurant, just the two of us

As I’ve been contemplating all of this, we’ve arrived at school and I realize I haven’t given him an answer. Just go. It can’t be that hard.Artemis pipes in and makes up my mind. When I say yes, I get Rik’s megawatt smile. I’m not sure there is anything in the world more amazing to see then when he turns that smile 

on you, and right now, it’s aimed at me. I feel my heart flutter in my chest

When he thanks me because I agreed to our date, that piece of my heart that already belonged to Rik, got a bit larger. His quick kiss on my lips makes me feel special, so when he takes my hand as we head into school, I don’t say anything

When we get to my class, he kisses me again. I know I told him we could do this if 1 agreed to be his girlfriend, but I really like this side of Rik. He doesn’t care who sees us. He doesn’t care who may be watching. All he seems to care about is me. It’s intoxicating

The rest of the day is exactly the same. He walks me to all my classes, sneaking in kisses before he leaves to go to his class

At lunch, Chase is still giving it his best shot with Lacey. Her icy exterior doesn’t seem to have thawed overnight and I swear it’s only making Chase try harder. Good luck with that

When we leave the lunchroom and get to my next class, I decide to turn the tables and before he can sneak in a kiss, I reach up grab the collar of his shirt and pull him to me. I don’t just peck his lips, I go all in and it only takes him a second to respond. Before I know it, I’m pushed against the wall beside my classroom, his lips bruising in their passion. I run my tongue across his lips and he opens them giving me entrance. I only have a minute before he takes control, dominating the 



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