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The Broken Warrior’s Daughter by Cooper novel Chapter 110

Chapter 0110 

Rik walks up, smiling at my expression. I’m sure I look like I am in awe, and I am. It’s beautiful. He takes my hand and walks us inside. I’m surprised and happy to see Tamara at the hostess stand

She smiles as we walk in. Alpha, LuCara, welcome to Ethereal.” 

Tamara.I smile at her. It’s so good to see you again.” 

She smiles at me and gives Rik an apologetic look. I wonder what that’s about

Please, follow me.She says and leads us to a private booth in the back. As we walk through, I notice that the restaurant, which wasn’t exactly loud to begin with, goes silent as diners watch us pass. Everyone nods their head in deference

to Rik

We are seated in a semicircular booth giving us the ability to sit side by side and also look out over the surrounding forest. If you need anything at all, please do not hesitate to let me know.Tamara says as she hands us our menus

Rik takes my hand in his as we begin to look over our menus. Is it always like that for you?I ask, never having spent time with Rik in public like this

He turns to me. Like what?He asks

Like it was when we walked in here. Everyone getting quiet and watching you walk by.” 

He shrugs. I think it was for both of us, not just me.” 

I scoff. Why would people show deference to me?” 

He looks at me as if I’m missing something important. You’re a Guardian.He says as if it’s obvious

ButI’m cut off as our waitress comes over. Alpha.She says and while she gives me the barest of looks, just enough to not be considered rude, she makes a point of looking Rik up and down, practically salivating over him. Yes, he looks. gorgeous, but really, he’s on a date and you’re working. Have some respect

I feel Artemis push forward. She’s feeling disrespected too and wants to put this shewolf in her place. But before I can say anything, Rik looks up, giving her a brief glance and smile. Hey Jessica.” 

He turns to me. Do 


you want wine?” 

I say. He turns back to the wine menu. Red, right?He asks me.. 


Do you drink red?I ask, because I honestly don’t know


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