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The Broken Warrior’s Daughter by Cooper novel Chapter 116

Chapter 0116 

She slides her nose across my cheek to my ear. I feel her breath a moment before she speaks, and I can feel myself going hard underneath her. I think you smell better than your mother’s brownies.Yep, rock hard

I run my nose under her ear before responding. Can I tell you something?I whisper. I feel her body shiver and know she’s feeling this just as much as I am. She nods against my cheek. You smell of the most delicious vanilla and honey. Every time I’m near you, it’s hard for me not taste you. And when I do?I moan softly in her ear, and I’m rewarded with the scent of her arousal drifting up from between us. I nip her earlobe before finishing. You taste even better than you smell.” 

Her neck lifts slightly, just enough for me to know that she’s submitting to me. I don’t waste any time kissing her neck, licking and nipping my way down to her mate mark. I want her to feel the pleasure that will one day soon be permanently etched on her neck

I continue my gentle assault on her neck, working my way down. The minute my tongue slides across the space where her mate mark will be, her body goes rigid. I stop and I can hear her heart rate has increased, her breaths have become gasps, and not the good kind

I pull back and look at her and the look in her eyes terrifies me. I put my hands on either side of her face. Cara.She doesn’t respond. Cara!I say it louder and see her eyes refocus on me. That’s right. Look at me. I’m right here.” 

IIShe stammers. It takes me only a moment to understand my mistake. While I had left love bites on her neck last night, between her sweater and my desire to watch her, I’d never gotten down to the area where her mate mark would be. The area where Eli had plunged his canines over and over. I had just inadvertently thrown my girl back into her worst nightmare

Cara. Look at me.When she does, I hold her gaze. I will never mark you against your will. Do you hear me? You are safe. I won’t hurt you.She nods stiffly and I pull her against me, wrapping my arms around her, rocking her gently

I continue to hold her until I feel her body relax and her arms go around me. I’m sorry.She whispers./ 

I put my hands on her shoulders and push her back so I can look at her. You have nothing to be sorry for love. It’s my fault. I got carried away and I didn’t 

think. I should be the one apologizing to you.” 

Her face is still pale. I didn’t mean to ruin” 

I interrupt her. You didn’t. Here.I pick her up by her waist, turning her around and readjusting us so that she’s sitting in between my legs, leaning her back against my chest. I wrap my arms around her and lay my chin on her shoulder. Did you know that I know every constellation in the sky?I ask

She shakes her head before giving me a weak No, I didn’t know that.” 

Well,I point to a spot in the sky. You see those three stars that look like they make a triangle?She nods. That’s Dory. And that,I start to point to another 

set of stars

Dory? As in the little blue fish from the Disney movie?She asks

Yes, the very same one.I reply in my most serious voice

She turns her head and looks at me arching an eyebrow. There is no Dory constellation.” 

Sure there is.I tell her, pointing to the triangular stars again. You see the front star is her nose, the back star is her tail, and the top star is her dorsal fin. Dory.” 

I feel her body start to shake with her chuckle. That’s better. I continue making up stupid constellation names until she joins in and we end up laughing and joking before finally settling in to relax and just enjoy the night


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