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The Broken Warrior’s Daughter by Cooper novel Chapter 129

Chapter 0129 

I don’t know if there is anything more powerful than holding a man in your hands and stroking him until he loses control. The feeling of commanding Rik’s pleasure was empowering, even if his size is intimidating. When he reversed roles, oh my goddess, what that man can do with his tongue. I meanit’s beyond anything I could have imagined. And he was relentless. I was a puddle of goo by the time he was done. I’m pretty sure I forgot my own name

And then, his gentle ministrations, his sweet care, making sure I was bathed and clean before we head over to the pack house. It was yet another reason why I was falling so in love with this man. Everything about him is beyond my expectation

When he gets out of the shower, I’m still laying on the bed. He comes over and leans over top of me. “You okay love?He asks, watching me intently

Yes, that was….well, I don’t really know how to put that into words, but it was a bit overwhelming and I just needed a minute.” 

Is your minute up, or?He asks me

It’s almost up.He smiles at me then heads to my closet. He only has a towel on, wrapped low on his waist. Seriously, no man should be this beautiful. The muscles in his back are rippling as he begins going through my clothes. I bite my lower lip. Goddess help me, but I really want to give myself to this man

He turns and looks at me, smiling when he sees me watching him. See something you like little guardian?” 

Oh yes, yes I do. I see many things that I like. I’m not sure if he’s asking about my clothes or if he’s asking about my perusal of his body, so I decide to assume it’s about my clothes

I hop out of bed and walk into the closet with him to get something to wear. That was a mistake. The smell of brownies is irresistible in my closet. So now, I’m surrounded by his scent, he’s practically naked, water is dripping off the ends of his hair and all I want to do is lick him. Do it. Walk past him, lick him and then get some clothes.Artemis chimes in

I feel Artemis trying to push forward. I need to get myself under control. I look up into his eyes. “Excuse me Alpha. I need to find something to wear to dinner.” 

He smiles at me. “Yes you do little guardian.‘ 

Before I can move around him, his fingers are in my hair, holding me in place and his lips have taken mine in a kiss so passionate that my knees go weak again

+15 BONOS 

Get dressed love.He says and smacks my ass hard before walking out of the closet

I get dressed in jeans and a sweater, pulling on my kneehigh boots before walking out to join him. He has dressed in the clothes he wore this morning.Ready?I ask

“Ready.He says and takes my hand

When we arrive at the packhouse, he pulls me up to his room so he can change into something more presentable for dinner. Then we walk hand in hand into the dining room. The room doesn’t fall silent this time, which I’m thankful for

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