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The Broken Warrior’s Daughter by Cooper novel Chapter 142

Chapter 0142 

Clint returned home one week before Cara’s birthday. It was an uncomfortable moment since she and I walked into the house completely naked after shifting from our run. I was carrying her, and she had her legs wrapped around my waist. We were kissing, planning to move to her bedroom. That’s the only reason I didn’t realize until it was too late that he was home

Alpha Rik, perhaps you could let go of my daughter long enough for her to say hello to her father.I’m not sure cold water works as quickly as hearing your mate’s father’s voice while you are on the verge of pleasuring his daughter

Cara immediately let go of me and I tuck her behind me to give her some privacy. Hi dad. When did you get home?She asks, looking around me at her father

A couple of hours ago.He says as she and I move together until she’s close to the stairs, so she can run up to put on come clothes. Be right back.She calls over her shoulder

Clint looks at me. I thought you were going to respect my daughter’s wishes.He says to me

I have.I don’t feel the need to explain myself to Cara’s father. What Cara and I have is private, and I don’t care if he is her father, it’s none of his business

By the smell, I’d say you’ve been living here.Cara comes back down the stairs and walks up beside me, handing me a pair of shorts from her room. Yeah, I have clothes here and she has clothes in my room at the packhouse. Yes dad, he has. Is that a problem?Cara answers for me

Cara, I’m not sure I’m comfortable having a man sleeping with you in your room that may or may not be your mate.” 

She nods her head briefly, then turns to me. Give me a minute to grab my things and we’ll head back to the packhouse.She says

Oh shit. I’m not sure if I should cringe or cheer for my girl

Excuse me?Clint says, raising an eyebrow at Cara

I respect your choice father. But you will also respect mine. I’m old enough to make decisions about who I will and will not sleep with. Rik and I have gotter much closer while you were away. I love him. I want to be with him. If that’s not here, then that’s fine. But we will be together.” 

I turn to her. You love me?” 

+15 BONOS 

She smiles at me. You’re surprised?” 

This amazing, beautiful woman, my mate, has fallen in love with me before she knows she’s my mate. I take her face in my hands. I am so in love with you Cara 


We are staring into each other’s eyes, about to kiss, when Clint clears his throat and reminds us that we are not alone


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