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The Broken Warrior’s Daughter by Cooper novel Chapter 152

Chapter 0152 

Mom comes back in the kitchen and tells me that dad will be home early. It’s not 20 minutes later that he walks in the door. There’s my birthday girl.He says, but I can see that he looks stressed out

What’s this I hear about you getting your wolf? Alessia is her name?” 

Yes, and she’s perfect Dad!I exclaim, giving him a hug

My father’s wolf, Ward, pushes forward. Let me meet my pup, little one.He 


Alessia pushes forward and this time, I am relaxed and it goes much faster. I see Dad’s eyes widen before he reaches out pulling us to him for a hug. I hug him back, excited to have him home early to celebrate

When I pull back, dad is looking at mom. Alpha Peter asked to us to bring Angel by tomorrow so he can meet the newest member of his pack.Mom is looking at dad and there is a weird, silent conversation going on

But!He says, looking back at me and smiling. I have a great idea! Why don’t we take that new camping gear you got today and go someplace really special for your shift. We can stay the night out under the stars. I bet Alessia would like that.” 

I turn to my mother. Oh, can we mom? Pleeeeeeeease?” 

My mom is still looking at my dad. There is definitely a silent conversation going on. They are mind linking. They don’t want us to hear what they are saying. Alessia says to me. She’s curious about this behavior as well

Mom turns to me. Sure, let’s eat dinner then while you go pack some clothes in a duffel, I’ll pack up some food.” 

Yay! This is going to be so much fun!” 

It was nearly dark before we headed out. Sweetheart, why don’t you lay down and take a nap. We’re going to go find a really cool place, out of the way. The first shift always takes the longest and it can be painful, but we’ll be right there with you.My dad says. I don’t know if I can fall asleep, I’m so excited, but I lay down. in the back of the car and close my eyes

When I wake up, I can hear my parents talking. As soon as we break our pack link, he’ll know something is up. Shouldn’t we wait until we’re further away? They can still track us this close.My mother was asking my father

Yes, we should wait until closer to morning, but before he’s awake. If we do it at 

just the right time, he may not wake up and if we’re very lucky, he won’t notice until later in the day. By then, we’ll have dumped the car and hopefully be in the mountains.” 

My mother continued to express her concerns. “Won’t she be too tired. We’ll be faster in wolf form.” 

If she gets too tired, I can carry her. She’s still small and Ward can easily carry her for hours, if needed.” 

I sit up. Where are we? Why are we still driving?1 ask

My parents look at each other, not answering me. Now, I’m starting to get angry, this was supposed to be my day to shift for the first time and we’re just driving.What’s going on?I ask angrily

My mother turns to look at me. Sweetheart, we had to leave the pack. It was important.” 

What do you mean

leave the pack? We’re going back, right?” 

Alessia? It’s my father that asks. Do you know what you are?” 

Yes. I am a Guardian.Alessia replies

Wait. What do you mean you’re a Guardian?I ask out loud so I can figure out what is going on

It’s my mother that responds. When you first let Alessia forward, her eyes glowed a bright golden color. Only a Guardian’s eyes are gold sweetheart.” 


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