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The Broken Warrior’s Daughter by Cooper novel Chapter 166

Chapter 0166 

What’s your name?I ask her

Sarah. Now go, your secret is safe with me, Guardian.She stresses the word. Guardian is the only thing that anyone called me here, so that is what she knows 

me as

I thank her before checking to see if anyone is around. It’s chaos and everyone is running, either hunting vampires or bringing people out to the trucks. I hop out. of the truck and skirt around several others, keeping to the shadows until I get to a forest line. Once I hit the forest, I run

I’ve been running for days. I’ve found water easily, rinsing off the smell of the vampires and the left over blood from my last night with the vampires. Food, however, has been impossible for me to find. Without Alessia to hunt for me, and in my weakened state, I haven’t been able to catch anything. I’ve found some berries and some other plants that I can eat to keep me alive, but nothing substantial enough to keep up the pace that I need in order to get far away from 

my past

At night, I find caves or trees to climb trying to keep myself safe from large predators or vampires that may be out running from the hunters as well

Based on the direction of the sun rising and setting, I’m heading south. I remember all those years ago, that my family had been heading north and that is what brought us into vampire territory. I don’t know where the coven was in relation to where we were found, but south seemed as good an option as any, and I’ve kept to that direction. Eventually, I’ll get to the ocean, if I survive that long

I’ve been walking today. It’s been a day since I had water and too many days to count since I’ve had a real meal. I’m ready to sit down and rest when I hear the sound that I haven’t heard in years. The howl of a wolf. It’s not just any howl, it’s the sound of a wolf on the hunt

I don’t know if it is hunting me, or if I’m just in the vicinity of where it is hunting, but when I hear others taking up the hunt, I begin to run. I know I can’t outrun them, but maybe, maybe if I can find a lake or river, I can swim to safety

How do I keep getting into these situations? First vampires, then hunters, now werewolves. I’m so tired, maybe it’s not worth the fight anymore. I could be with my parents again. There would be no more pain, no more suffering


+15 BONOS 

I hear the pounding of paws closing in on me. I’m running as fast as I can, darting around tress and bushes until I run right into a clearing. I only get a couple of steps when three wolves come out of the woods from the other side. I stop dead in my tracks. I’m about to turn and run in a different direction when I hear another two come up behind me

Please.I beg. I don’t even know what I’m begging for, I just know that I don’t want to be caught and imprisoned again. Please, no.I say before exhaustion takes over and the darkness sinks in




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