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The Broken Warrior’s Daughter by Cooper novel Chapter 169

Chapter 0169 

I’m back in hell. The screams, the fear, the blood, it surrounds me. How did I end up back here? I thought I had escaped. I thought I was free. I try to remember what happened, but I can’t. My senses are overwhelmed by the sounds and smell of the feeding room

The panic I feel only intensifies as I look around and I don’t see my friend. Sarah. How do I know her name? I can’t remember, but she’s not here. It’s only me and all of the dying humans. Maybe I’m dead. This isn’t where I expected to end up. I thought I’d be with my parents, someplace safe

Almost as if the Moon Goddess heard me, I catch the scent of the forest. The scent. that I loved so long ago when mother and I would walk around, gathering plants and herbs. The scent gets stronger when suddenly, it surrounds me and I am no longer in the vampire’s den, but I’m back in the woods

I’m still alone, but it feels safe here. It reminds me a better time, when things were good in my life. I begin walking around, not really knowing where I am or where I’m going. I find a sunny spot and lay down in the sun. I’m so tired, and the sun feels so good on my skin that I fall asleep

I wake up again in the forest. I look around me. I’m still alone but the feeling safety is still here. I take a deep breath. I forgot how much I love the smell of the forest. The fresh air, the slight scent of pine, the clean scent of the earth after a rain. I can smell it all and it makes my heart soar

If I’m dead, shouldn’t my parents be here? I stand and begin calling for them. I walk around continuing my search. Buy they are not here. There are only the sounds forest, birds chirping, a stream nearby bubbling as the water passes over rocks, crickets and frogs singing their songs in the grass

Peace. It’s a feeling I’ve forgotten. But now that I am feeling it again, I don’t ever want to lose it

I don’t know how long I’m here, sleeping when I’m tired, enjoying the forest around me when I’m awake. Nothing changes, it’s just me and nature

Then one day, I hear something. A voice, from far off. I quietly follow the sound trying to find the source. It’s a masculine voice and it’s the most attractive voice I’ve ever heard. There is something about it that draws me in

I hear a soft purring sound in my head. Alessia?There is no response, but the purr increases a bit. Oh Alessia. If you can hear me, I’ve missed you so much. I love you. I’m trying to figure out where we are and maybe you can get stronger

+15 BONOS 

As I’ve spoken to Alessia, the masculine voice has stopped and Alessia’s purring stops as well, leaving me alone again

This continues off and on, until one day, I hear a feminine voice talking to the masculine voice. Alessia growls in my head. What is it girl? Is it danger?I ask my wolf

It doesn’t feel like danger, it feels like….jealousy. That’s odd. Why would Alessia or I feel jealous over two people talking. The masculine voice stops and the smell of the forest around me dims. The feminine voice continues, and I feel a strange tugging on my arms. When the tugging has stopped and the sounds of the woman are gone, Alessia quietly says Wake up.‘ 

Alessia? Alessia are you back?” 

Not yet, my sweet Angel, but I’m getting there. You need to wake up so I can get. even stronger.‘ 



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