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The Broken Warrior’s Daughter by Cooper novel Chapter 173

Chapter 0173 

Seven years? I lived in hell for seven years? Those horrible vampires took so much from me. If I ever find them… 

I will kill them.Alessia finishes my thought

I don’t know how I feel about more violence. I feel like I’ve lived a lifetime of violence and I’m only 23

I didn’t realize Liam was holding my hand until he gently squeezed it. I want to pull it away, but it feels comforting to have him holding it

I know this is hard. Can you eat any more? You need to get your strength back. We can talk about something else while you eat.Liam says to me

I look down at the food when there’s another knock at the door. I smell Dustin this time and know it’s him. I hope he has clothes for me

Come in Dustin.Liam responds, not releasing my hand

Dustin comes in carrying a second tray and a bag, presumably with clothes. He hands the tray to Liam who puts it on his lap, still not releasing my hand. Dustin notices but doesn’t comment, turning to me

I wasn’t sure about your size. You’re awfully small, so I got a couple different sizes and hope something fits.He says putting the bag at the foot of the bed

We’ll go shopping when you are strong enough and get you your own clothes.Liam says. I turn to look at him. My brow furrowing. I don’t want to owe him. anything. I need to leave

Why would you do that?I ask him

He raises an eyebrow at me. Would you prefer walking around in kid’s clothes?He asks

I look at the bag, then back at him. He taps his nose. I know the smell of my pack members and that includes the pups. You’re a tiny little thing, so I’m guessing kid’s clothes were the best Dustin could do on short notice.He turns to look at Dustin who is nodding in agreement

I had hoped to be taller.I mumble it, but Liam’s laser focus on me let’s me know he heard it. My father was tall like you.I say to Liam. And my mother was considerably taller than me, butI let the sentence go unfinished, shrugging. Being a rogue and a blood bag didn’t exactly help my growth

+18 BONDS 

Well, I know some shewolves that are fierce even though they are small. Size isn’t everything.Dustin says, smiling at me. I can’t help my answering smile. He seems nice. Liam’s low growl startles me and I try to pull my hand away, but he holds it firmly in his

That will be all Dustin.” 

Dustin smirks behind his Alpha’s back and walks to the door before turning. See. you soon Angel.He says and skirts out the door before Liam can growl at him again

Liam’s focus comes back to me. He is intense. It’s hard to look away from him. It’s like his eyes are magnets for mine, forcing me to look at him. Eat.He says. it, more gently that I would have expected

He releases my hand and begins to eat his own food while I dig back into mine. The interruption from Dustin has helped settle me enough to eat again

I need to know something.Liam starts in again. I just know I’m about to get the rapidfire interrogation again

I sigh. Yes?” 

When you escaped the coven, I’m assuming you escaped and weren’t released?He pauses and I nod. When you escaped, was it because they were attacked by hunters?” 

I stop eating and stare at 

How did you 

know that?” 

He nods but instead of answering my question, he asks another one. And were you the blood bag of a vampire prince?” 

Okay, I’m getting scared now. Is he going to give me back to the prince? Are they in some sort of an alliance

I set my fork down. If I’m going back, I don’t want to eat. I’ll just vomit it. later. Yes.I say quietly. Are you going to send me back to him?” 


He shakes his head. No, but you need to know that he’s put a bounty on your head. Five million dollars for your safe return to him. Every vampire and bounty hunter in the US is going to be searching for you.” 

My hand flies to my mouth. I may just vomit anyway


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