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The Broken Warrior’s Daughter by Cooper novel Chapter 184

Chapter 0184 

Liam looks at her incredulously. I wish I could say that no selfrespecting Alpha would force a mate bond for power, but it makes sense. Having the strongest pack in the country, I don’t need the power. But a smaller pack, a weaker pack, would definitely benefit from having a Guardian.” 

Cara turns back to me. So, now that we’ve established that you can trust Liam, let’s get back to your question. Alessia, you know you’re a Guardian, correct?” 

Yes.She answers, pushing forward

Do you know that you are from the Guardian line that started with Bellona?” 

She asks

Yes.Alessia responds. I have some memories from my previous lives. The most important is that you, Artemis, are my daughter. You were born of Donovan and Andra. You were the first Guardian to ever be born.” 

Wait, can we back up?Liam asks. You were Lily Nelson’s wolf before you were Angel’s wolf?” 

It’s Cara that answers. Yes and no. It’s a bit confusing but the way King Ailduin explained it to us, the Guardian spirit reincarnates when the human and wolf pass away. The wolf is the one that finds their mate and the humans, of course, have the human side of love. So, the mate bond, such as with Andra and Donovan, ends when one of the bonded pair dies. The Guardian spirit, however, hast memory of her previous lives. Not full memories, but some. That is why the Fae began chronicling the Guardianshistories.She stops and a huge smile spreads across her face. I can’t wait to tell Ailduin we’ve found you! He’s been looking for you for over thirteen years!” 

Liam growls softly. Why would a Fae King care about a wolf Guardian?” 

Cara turns back to him. One hundred years ago, Ailduin was mated to the wolf who carried Bellona’s Guardian line. Her Alpha refused to release her and forced the mate bond on her. While he was never able to be with his mate, he has kept. close watch on her Guardian line, feeling a connection to it.” 

A knock came at the door and Dustin came in pushing a cart of food. He stops. short when he sees Cara

Luna? I didn’t know you were here. It’s good to see you.” 

Cara hops up to greet Dustin. So formal, Beta. Call me Cara like you used to. It’s good to see you.” 

+15 BONOS 

You as well.He says, but it doesn’t sound like he means it. His eyes are tracking between Cara, Liam and myself

Liam gets up and grabs a tray, bringing it to me. Here, you can eat while we talk. You are obviously getting stronger quickly, but I still want to see you eat more.” 

Cara grabs a tray of food and I notice Dustin sniffing the air around her. Luna? Is there something you want to share?” 

She gives him a huge smile. Well, I’m sure Rik won’t mind, since it’s obvious in my smell anyway. We’re expecting our first Alpha heir in about five months.” 

Congratulations!He says and hugs her. Please tell Rik we’re very happy for the both of you.He looks at Liam as he says this, but Liam is focused on me

You’re not eating.He says to me softly. I quickly pick up my utensils and begin eating. He smiles before turning to grab the last tray of food

When Dustin leaves, and Cara and Liam have returned to their seats, Cara begins again

I don’t want to overwhelm you, and there is so much to talk about. Dad is going to be over the moon to see you.She looks thoughtful for a second. Alessia, when do you think you’d be strong enough to come over for dinner at our pack?” 

She asks

Before I can answer, Liam jumps in. She was on her death bed less than two weeks ago Cara. She’s not ready for dinner parties.” 


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