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The Broken Warrior’s Daughter by Cooper novel Chapter 188

Chapter 0188 

I reach down and cup his face in my hand. Thank you.” 

Don’t thank me yet. You haven’t given me much to go on, but I’ll do what I can.” 

I lay my head back down on his chest. He’s so warm and the scent of the forest surrounds him, it lulls me back to sleep

I wake to the sun shining in my room and something pressing against my stomach. I feel warm and well rested. I lift my head sleepily and it takes a moment to realize where I am. Somehow overnight, I’ve managed to crawl on top of Liam. My whole body is laying on his. My head and chest laying on his chest. The thing I feel pressing against my stomachI jolt, trying to scramble off of him. Holy crap! I know what’s pressing against me and it feels entirely too big

In my effort to move quickly, I must have woken Liam because he rolls us over, effectively trapping me between him and the mattress. He is kissing my neck and, oh my goddess, does it feel good. His warm lips are gentle but firm, his tongue licking my skin, making my body respond in a way I’m unfamiliar with, making Alessia purr in my head

Ummm, Liam?” 

Mmmm, yes baby? Are you ready for another round?” 

LIAM!It comes out louder than I planned, but I need him to focus

His head jerks up and he looks at me. It takes a moment for recognition to set in and when it does he pushes off of me. Shit! Angel, I’m sorry. I was half asleep and” 

It’s okay.I feel like I’m about to die of embarrassment. He sits up and runs his fingers through his hair. It’s curly and his hands do nothing to tame the wildness. It suits him, gives him an almost dangerous sexiness

He turns his head to look at me. Are you okay, I didn’t hurt you, did I?” 

No. I’m okay.” 

He nods his head then stands. I don’t think he realizes that he’s completely naked. And oh my, I didn’t see the front, but if his backside is any indication, this man is walking perfection. My fingers twitch, wanting to reach out and touch 


He turns and sees me staring at him. His look changes and he smirks down at me. See something you like little angel?” 

+15 BONOS 

Yep, sure do, lots and lots that I like. I’m just going to go get a shower.I say instead

Good idea. I had planned to take you shopping today but since we’re going to the Canyon Ridge Pack for dinner, I don’t want you to overdo it, so I think we’ll stay around here. I can show you around the pack lands instead.” 


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