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The Broken Warrior’s Daughter by Cooper novel Chapter 203

Chapter 0203 

Well, that’s one way to wake up in the morning. After dreaming about Liam between my legs, trying to find my release, waking to my actual release, the first ever in my life, then having the reallife version of Liam between my legs, my mind and body are on overload. The things that man can do with his tongue and fingers

He takes my hand and helps me off the bed, chuckling when my legs are. unsteady. We walk into the bathroom and he starts the shower, looking at the shampoo and body wash. When we go shopping later, we’ll get you some new things for the shower. These scents don’t suit you.He turns to me, Unless you like them?he asks

I shake my head no. I like berry scented fragrances. Mom and I would use what we found in the forest and make our own.” 

He steps aside so I can step into the shower ahead of him. As I pass him, he leans in, sniffing my hair. Berries is exactly what you smell like.” 

I turn to him as he steps in behind me. He pushes me under the shower, rinsing my hair. I smell like berries to you?I ask

He’s busy making sure my hair is wet. Yes, raspberries and cream.He looks down at me. And you taste even better than you smell.He says, making me blush

He smiles leaning down to kiss my nose

You smell like the forest to me.I tell him

He frowns slightly. All wolves smell like the forest.He says

I shake my head as he pours shampoo into his hands and begins rubbing it into my hair. I can feel my body relaxing under his gentle attention. I love the way he rubs his fingers against my scalp. I didn’t realize I had closed my eyes until I opened them to see him smiling down at me

You like that?” 

Yes. It feels amazing. But back to your scent. It’s not the same as other wolves. You smell like fresh air and sunshine. Does that sound crazy?” 

He looks at me before pulling me closer to him and taking my long hair in his hands to wash all of it

That depends. Do you like the way I smell?” 

+15 BONOS 

Yes. It reminds me of the good times, when mom and I would be walking through the forest after a rainstorm, or first thing in the morning, when the sun is coming up over the trees and there is still dew on the forest floor. You smell like that. Well, that and…..man, or alpha. I’m not sure but you definitely have a very masculine scent that mingles with the forest.” 


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