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The Broken Warrior’s Daughter by Cooper novel Chapter 206

Chapter 0206 

Swimming in the pool feels really good. Clint takes it slow with me, helping me to stretch muscles that haven’t been used in too many years. Cara laps me over and over. I’m reminded of one of those Avengers movies Dad was able to get for us when we were in the cabin, the guy on the track saying on your left. I have a whole new appreciation and aggravation for that phrase now

When we’re done, my muscles are sore but it’s a good sore. Clint was right, I feel stronger.Alessia says to me

I hop out of the pool, Cara bringing me a towel. I’m glad Alessia feels stronger because I’m exhausted. Cara sits down next to me as Clint rolls his wheelchair 


How are you feeling?He asks me

Alessia says she’s feeling stronger, but I’m exhausted.I say honestly. Cara nods her head. Yep, that sounds familiar. It definitely takes a toll on you for her to get stronger, but it’s worth it.” 

Clint is looking at me thoughtfully. Why don’t we make sandwiches around here. today and you can see the packhouse tomorrow. I promised Liam I wouldn’t overdo it with you and I keep my promises.That sounds wonderful to me

Over lunch, Cara tells me about her conversation with Ailduin and that he is coming to visit next weekend. He’s excited to see me and will be bringing his son, Aolis, with him to begin recording my story for their Guardian Chronicles

Clint tells me about the strengths of the Bellona line, including enhanced healing. It explains how Alessia was able to heal you for so long and why your scars aren’t more prevalent.He says

They seem pretty prevalent to me.I say, looking down at my arms and all the old wounds that are on them

But imagine what you would look like if you didn’t have Alessia’s healing power.” 

Dad’s right.Cara jump’s in. Your wounds could be much worse, could have gotten infected, and who knows what else, given the frequency you were being fed on.” 

I hadn’t given it much consideration. I was so worried about how awful they looked that I didn’t think about how lucky I was to have gotten away with only scarring and nothing worse


I’m sorry I couldn’t do more.Alessia says to me

You did so much. I’m thankful for what you did do.” 

I think there is more that I can do once we shift. I don’t think I’ll be able to take them away, but I think I might be able to make them less noticeable.‘ 

Don’t overdo it either. I’m just glad we’re both getting stronger and healthier.‘ 

So, Angel, when’s the last time you ran?Clint asks me

Ran, like for fun or exercise, or for fear of being caught?I ask

Exercise.Clint clarifies

Uh, well, never. That wasn’t something that dad did for training. We mostly just sparred, and he taught me how to fight.” 

He nods. Fighting is important but so is endurance. I think tomorrow I’ll have you run. Cara can still run for another month or so, but she has a higher endurance than you, at least for now. We’ll still take it slow with you.” 

After lunch, I help clean up. I’m tired and ready to lay down before going shopping with Liam this afternoon. Cara offers to drive me home and we have an easy conversation about being a Luna, her pregnancy, due date and general preparations around the baby

Do you want me to come in with you?She asks when we arrive

No, I know where I’m going. Thanks. I’ll see you tomorrow.” 

Can’t wait!She says. I wave as she pulls away

As I turn to the packhouse, the overwhelming scent of the forest hits my nose. MATE, MATE, MATE!Alessia says, jumping up and down excitedly in my head

Our mate is here?I ask her


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