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The Broken Warrior’s Daughter by Cooper novel Chapter 241

Chapter 0241 

We collected Eli and Dustin and headed into the city. When we arrived, Liam took Eli to a store to get some clothes and a backpack before buying him a bus ticket

Where do you want to go? The next bus is heading north to Asheville,” 

That works.Eli responds

Liam gives him an envelope with money in it. This is enough to get you back on your feet and started in a new life. Good luck Eli.” 

After he thanks Liam, Eli boards the bus, and we watch as the bus leaves the station, heading north

I’ve never been in a human city. It is big and loud, lots of tall buildings and cars honking, moving in every direction. It’s very overwhelming for me and I am glad that Liam is holding my hand

When we get to his building, he takes me up to his apartment first. We brought a change of clothes and some 

at how beautiful it is. Everything to stay overnight. When I walk in, I’m amazed 

an amazing view of the city

Wow.I say

looks new and the floor to ceiling windows give 

He comes up behind me, wrapping his arms around me. Definitely wow.He says and I turn to see him looking at me

I smile, blushing at the compliment

Ready to head downstairs? I have some work to do, but, I’d rather have you near me. With everything that’s happened, it would make me feel better to have you where I can see you

I can feel his nerves through the bond. He doesn’t like the idea of leaving me alone here, and I wouldn’t really know what to do with myself. Maybe there is something I can do to help him. So, I agree

We collect Dustin and head down to the office level a few floors below Liam’s penthouse apartment. When we walk in, I freeze

It’s her. The hair is different, her clothes are baggy and hang on her, and she’s wearing glasses, but I would never forget those eyes. The eyes that were my lifeline for seven long years

Sarah.I whisper

+15 BONOS 

Mate.Dustin whispers beside me at the same time, taking a step forward

Liam immediately turns to Dustin whispering quickly to him so Sarah can’t hear. She’s human Dustin. Pull yourself together or you’ll scare her.” 

Dustin blinks looking at Liam, struggling to not run to Sarah and pull her into his 


I, however, am locked on her eyes. It’s you.She says so quietly that if we weren’t shifters, we never would have heard her

Sarah!I say louder and walk toward her, opening my arms

We close the short distance between us and hug. You’re alive. I wasn’t sure after you ran. I’m so glad you got away. I’ve been so worried about you.” 

I stand back, holding her at arm’s length. You were worried about me? I was worried about you. Are you okay? Where have you been and why did you change. your hair?” 

She looks over my shoulder and tenses as I feel heat at my back. Mr. Holstin.She says

Angel, you know Heather?” 

I turn to look at Liam. Liam, it’s her! It’s Sarah.I frown. Why did you call her Heather?” 

He looks from me to Sarah and back again. Come into my office. Let’s talk privately.” 

In an instant, Sarah looks like she’s going to run. I grab her hands and hold her gaze. I’m here.” 

She looks at me for a long moment. You’re not alone.She responds back with our words and her shoulders relax fractionally

You can trust me and you can trust them. I promise.” 


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