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The Broken Warrior’s Daughter by Cooper novel Chapter 243

Chapter 0243 

I can’t believe the girl I’ve been searching the entire country for has literally been right under my nose for weeks. I’m thankful that we found her, even if her being mated to Dustin causes complications. It’s at least one thing I can take off my 

overfull plate of things that need to be done

My mind is reeling with the changes I need to make for her to continue working from the packhouse, setting her up as a permanent resident within the pack and wondering how I’m going to break the news to my Beta that his mate was horribly abused by a vampire, even more so than my mate was

I’m not sure if that’s why I didn’t notice the smell right away, but when Angel calls my name, her voice full of desperation and fear, the scent hits me. The elevator doors open and three vampires walk into the foyer of my office

I watch as the one in front lifts his nose in the air and sniffs. Ahhhh, there she is, my tasty little treat. How I’ve missed you.He looks directly at Sarah who is shaking uncontrollably, causing a vicious growl to come from Dustin

Angel steps in front of Sarah, blocking the vampire’s view of her and his eyes widen. And look here boys, we found the Prince’s favorite little toy.” 

This time, it’s me snarling. This is anything but ideal. We are in my office, in the human world and we’re going to have to fight off vampires and not let them cause any human casualties

Kill the mutts, keep the feeders alive. I’m starving.The vampire says while rubbing his crotch

This time, I do see them coming. One comes at me while the other goes toward Dustin. I see Angel reacting to keep him away from Dustin until he realizes the vampire is right in front of him. I go after other one

From the corner of my eye, I see the leader start circling toward Sarah and Angel. Come to daddy little girl. I’ve got something for you. Daddy has been waiting a long time.‘ 

Even through the sounds of fighting, I can hear Sarah whimpering and sobbing.Screw you, Sebastian. You and your pitiful vampires will die here today.The powerful voice of my sweet Angel, overlaid with Alessia, is music to my ears. She may be scared, but she’s going to fight. At least until I kill this leech and take out the one she called Sebastian

Just as I hear Sebastian leap at Angel and Sarah, I get ahold of the vampire’s neck 

+15 BONOS 

and I begin pulling. It’s harder when I’m not in wolf form, but Cyran pushes forward, and my hands extend into claws, digging into his neck. He begins gurgling, beating against my arms and hands. When I finally dig my claws in deep enough, I pull my hands in opposite directions, slicing his head from his body

I turn and see Sarah cowering against the wall as Angel fights off Sebastian. Dustin is on the ground, the vampire over top of him. Help them,he grinds out to me. I turn, just as Sebastian throws a punch at Angel. She ducks and spins around, swinging her fist up and punching him on the side of his head. He stumbles and it gives me the moment I need to grab him

Rip out his heart Angel.I tell her, holding on to the vampire. He snarls thrashing against me. Her hand punches into his chest but misses his heart. When she pulls it back, he grabs her arm, yanking her closer to him. I release my hold on him, reaching to pull him away from Angel, but he takes the opportunity to run and jumps through the window, sailing through the air to the ground. I run to the window and see him running off, clutching his gaping chest

I turn back just in time to see Dustin punch his fist into the chest of the vampire he was fighting, ripping his heart out. He stands and tosses the heart back on the dead vampire before walking over to Sarah, squatting down in front of her. Hey. They’re gone. You’re safe now.He says to her in a voice used with injured, trapped animals


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