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The Broken Warrior’s Daughter by Cooper novel Chapter 258

Chapter 0258 

As I watch my mate walk away, my heart feeling light as a feather, Anders steps up to me

The Moon Goddess always gets it right, doesn’t she?” 

I don’t know about always, but she definitely got it right with me.” 

When I can no longer see her, I turn to Anders. What kind of help were you thinking of Anders?” 

We start to walking toward my office. Well, Rik put me in charge of strengthening the weak spots on our borders. I thought, while I was here, that I could do the same for yours. If you can spare me some of your pack members, we can go out, assess what needs to be done and put up barriers or traps, depending on the weakness.” 

That would be amazing! I have some ideas, but I haven’t had a chance to get to it yet.” 

Then let me take that off your plate.He claps his hand on my shoulder. You’re not alone any more Liam.” 

I’m beginning to realize that. Thank you, Anders. Do you want to have lunch before you head out? We can eat together and I can go over my thoughts.” 

Just as I say it, there is a knock at my office door. I look up and see Amelia and Charlotte carrying trays of food. Alphas, Luna Angel and Luna Calista said you both need to eat. Luna Angel thought you’d want to talk to us Alpha Liam, so shel asked us to bring your trays.” 

Come in girls. Luna Angel is correct. Have you met Alpha Anders?I ask them as I take a tray from one and Anders takes a tray from the other

They shake their heads looking at Anders. Anders, these are my pack members Amelia and Charlotte. Amelia, Charlotte,I point to each one as I say their names, this is Alpha Anders, the former Alpha of Canyon Ridge Pack.” 

Hello pups. It’s always nice to meet members of our allied packs.” 

Have a seat girls.I tell them, coming around my desk and pulling up a chair in front of them. How did you settle in last night with Samantha and her mate?” 


Their faces light up. We each have our own bed!” 

Yeah, and we could have had our own rooms but we wanted to stay together.” 


And they made us our favorite food, but we couldn’t decide which one we wanted.” 

So they made them all for us. Pizza and tacos and hamburgers.” 

They are talking so fast that they are just going back and forth with the story, as 

one takes a breath, the other continues. It’s obvious that they are happy and 

excited to be with Samantha

Can I see your cheek, Charlotte?I ask her. She wouldn’t let me get close enough to her yesterday to really look at it

She comes and stands in front of me, pulling her hair aside so I can see. Samantha said it was an ugly bruise, but nothing was broken. She put some stuff on it and it looks a lot better today.” 

I gently poke around the bruise. Samantha is right, nothing is broken. So, does this mean you girls want to stay with Samantha?” 

Yes Alpha.They both say

Good to hear.Samantha says from my doorway. They hop up and run over to her, hugging her. I stand and walk to her. How about you? Is there anything that you need from me?” 

No Alpha, my mate and I are financially stable and can provide everything the girls need but thank you.She looks down at them. Girls, are you done speaking with Alpha Liam?” 

They turn and look at me. I’m good. Just remember, if you ever need anything, you can always come to me.” 

They nod and Samantha guides them out of my office Okay girls, let’s go get you some new clothes.” 

I turn and see Anders watching attentively. What was that about?” 

Angel caught my Lead Omega who was also their guardian abusing them yesterday. To say that she showed her unhappiness would be the understatement of the millennia. I’ve never seen such power.Which reminded me of something else. Have you ever known a werewolf that could direct their aura?I ask him

His eyebrows shoot up into the air. Direct their aura? You mean like send it in one direction but not another?” 

I tell him about how Angel protected the girls while bringing my pack members to their knees. He whistles appreciatively. I’ve never heard of that. I don’t remember seeing Lily do that either, but then, I wasn’t there when she died. She 

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may have done that when she was protecting Cali and Rik, I don’t know.” 

I’ll ask Ailduin tomorrow when we see him.” 

+15 BONOS 

We finished eating and I talked to Anders about my ideas for strengthening my bordersweaknesses. He had some other ideas but said he wanted to see the areas first before making a final decision. I called five warriors to go with him and he 

set off

I took the rest of the early afternoon to clear pack work off my plate. When it was time for training, I went to find Angel. I found her and Luna Calista deep in conversation, Angel taking what looked like a book of notes

“What’s all this?I asked her, coming up and kissing the top of her head, looking at what she was writing. When I see what it is, I stand back up and look between them, waiting for Angel to answer

I see her shift uncomfortably, looking down at her paper. Luna Calista reaches over and takes her hand, smiling at her and giving her a nod


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