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The Broken Warrior’s Daughter by Cooper novel Chapter 262

Chapter 0262 

She can direct her aura.I say

Angel turns and looks at me, before turning back to Ailduin. It’s true. Is that 

new? I have the ability to direct my aura around some while pushing it out onto others.” 

Ailduin’s eyes go wide. Show me.” 

Angel shrugs. I already did. When I pushed my aura on you earlier, I wrapped it around Liam so he wouldn’t feel it.” 

I frown. When did you push your aura on him?I ask

When he was ready to fight you. I pushed it at him to get him to back down.So that’s what I felt. It was a strange, warm sensation. I had thought it was coming from Ailduin, even though it didn’t feel threatening. It felt, safe. And apparently, it was

I look up at Ailduin. Is that why you backed down?” 

He’s looking at Angel again. I honestly don’t know. I know it forced me to refocus on her, but I don’t know if that’s because I felt the punch, and it was a punch, or if it was me being forced. We’ll have to test that this weekend.” 

What else?He asks, looking at Angel again

I can taste deceit. Cara and Clint don’t have that ability.” 

You still have it.He says quietly and his eyes go glassy

I can feel Angel’s confusion through the bond. Still have what?She asks

Aolis, document this. I gave Jinelle the gift of being able to taste deceit. Her Alpha was lying to her and using their mate bond to manipulate her. I didn’t know that it would last for more than the one generation, but your wolf spirit has assimilated it into your being.He chuckles softly. You are so amazing.” 

I feel myself getting tense again, before Angel’s hand starts it’s trek up and down my arm. The calming motion does not go unnoticed by Ailduin and he looks at 

  1. me

I can appreciate and value Angel as a Guardian without wanting to take her as my mate. The Fae are not gifted mates as often as werewolves, so we revere the bond, treasure it. I would never take that from someone.” 

Inod, but I’m thankful that Angel doesn’t stop her calming touch


Have you noticed anything else.” 

It’s Rik that speaks up this time. Yes. Based on our conversation last year, the Guardian’s power is not transferred to the Alpha when the mate bond is 


That is correct.Ailduin says

Yet, both Liam and I have enhanced abilities and both of us felt a power surge when we completed the bond.” 

Ailduin’s eyes go wide. You experience the gifts of the Guardians?He asks

Yes, but not to their extent, or at least, I don’t think so.Rik says

Besides being stronger and faster, I can also taste deceit now.I tell him

He stares at all of us for a good couple of minutes. I would like to test this while I am here as well. This is definitely the first time that anything like this has been documented. I wonder if it’s because of the frequency of the reincarnation orWe think it’s because the bond was created willingly.Angel says


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