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The Broken Warrior’s Daughter by Cooper novel Chapter 289

Chapter 0289 

+15 BONOS 

Three months later 

To say that being a father has changed my life would be an understatement. You don’t know how much you can love another person until you hold your child in your arms for the first time and your heart aches because it’s so full of love. The mate bond is one thing, that is a gift given by the Moon Goddess and nothing could ever compare to that. But being a father feels like the greatest achievement of my life

My son is perfect, of course. All ten fingers, all ten toes. He was born with soft fuzz for hair that has started to grow in now and he definitely got my golden, curly locks. However, every time I look into his gray eyes, I see his mother. Angel says his eyes are the only thing he got from her and that we’ll have a minime walking around very soon

Works for me. I figure our little girl will look just like her mother. I hope so, it means she’ll be beautiful. Yes, it means I’ll have to go all Alpha on any male that looks at her but having a miniature version of Angel walking around sounds perfect to me

And yes, I got my sweet little mate pregnant almost immediately after Richie’s birth. It’s not my fault that she’s so perfect that I can’t keep my hands and other body parts off of her. She did ask me to fill the packhouse with the evidence of our love and who am I to deny my Luna anything

So today, Richie and I are at the office in the human town while my sweet mate gets some much needed rest. This pregnancy, while not problematic, is causing her more fatigue than Rich’s. The doctor says it’s because I didn’t give her 

enough time to heal in between, but Angel just laughs at that. Advanced healing , she tells the doctor every time

Either way, it’s a great excuse for me to have alone time with my son and give my mate a chance to nap without interruption

My office has been renovated to include everything for a baby now, so working from here and bringing my son is no problem

Dustin joins me in my office, taking every opportunity to hold and feed Richie that he can get. He even changes diapers on occasion. I know it’s a struggle for him. He and Sarah have been unable to have pups. They are still trying, but with her scarring from years of abuse, it hasn’t happened yet

We’re thinking of adopting.He says, out of the blue while he’s feeding my son

He looks up at me before looking back down at Richie

There are several orphans from the war, children who lost both of their parents. We would have adopted anyway, but we were waiting to see if we would get pregnant first, knowing that Sarah will probably have a difficult pregnancy.” 

Sarah and Angel set up a section of the first floor of the packhouse for the pups. that lost their parents during the war. Some lost both parents in the battle and some lost one in the battle and one when they couldn’t survive after the death of their mate

I think there are still five pups that need homes.I tell him

Sarah has gotten attached to a little girl. She’s two and struggles a lot with the loss of her parents. Sarah spends a lot of time with her and has even brought her up to our rooms, with Angel’s permission of course.” 

I know you two would make excellent parents. We’ll go through the proper procedures, but I have no concern about you adopting one of the pups.I tell him

He surprises me by handing me the application. It’s been filled out and already signed by him, Sarah and Angel. My signature is the only one required for make it official

I sign the document and stand, going to my friend. Here, let me have my son, you take this to your mate and let her know that you are officially parents, starting today. If you need anything at all for your little girl, just let me know.” 

His smile is as bright as the sun. Thank you, Liam. This means a lot to both of us.” 

I take my son from him and give him a slap on the back. Go, I’ll finish up here and we’ll celebrate later when I’m back.” 

Great, see you soon Alpha!He turns and practically runs to the elevator in his excitement to get to his mate and let her know

I finish up my work, getting with George and my assistant giving instructions for the next week while I work from the packhouse. By the time I’m done packing up my son to leave, I’m the last person in the office

Let’s turn off all the lights so we can go home and see mommy, what do you say?I ask my son. I don’t care what anyone says, my son is brilliant and. understands every word I’m saying. Even if he doesn’t, he looks at me like he does, so I’m assuming he does. Angel just laughs at me when I tell her he understands me

He chews on his toes too, Liam. Is that also a show of his intelligence?Hey


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