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The Broken Warrior’s Daughter by Cooper novel Chapter 342

Chapter 0342 

Do we have bread?” 

Yes.Abby says before turning to me, guessing what I’m going to say. And cheese and lettuce. But no mayonnaise or mustard.She grimaces at me. We can’t afford it yet.So, the whole pack knows how poor we are. I guess that’s a good thing. It manages expectations

I’m about to direct us to start lunch preparations when I hear loud footsteps running into the kitchen. Two young girls stop suddenly when they see me

Luna.They say in unison and bow their heads

We heard you needed helpers.One says

We’re here to help.The other says.. 

That’s wonderful. We need all the help we can get.I tell them. They smile and look at each other before back at me

So, who wants to take this to your Alpha and Beta?I ask

The first girl steps up. I will.” 

We grab a tray and while we are putting the food on the tray, the second girl pours them each a drink

They are in the Beta’s office. Off you go.I tell her before turning to the second girl

What’s your name?I ask and that is how the rest of my morning goes

We get set up to make ham and cheese sandwiches for lunch. There are not chips, but we do have lots of potatoes, so I have them cut them into thin slices and we bake them until they are crisp, making homemade potato chips

More helpers come in and I begin to assign them to their duties. I have Cammy working on slow cooked pulled pork for tonight and have some others using what we have to make something similar to a barbeque sauce

As the first group of patrols come in, I have some omegas take the plates out to the tables, serving the group. There is a moment of surprise before they settle in and begin to eat. We continue this process through the next rotations

I make a couple sandwiches for Eli and Carlos, making sure to grab one for myself, since I skipped breakfast, choosing to feed Carlos my helping of food instead. I wasn’t confident that he’d eaten

As I send an omega to take the food to Eli and Carlos, I stop to take inventory of how things are going. There is a lot of happy chatter and excitement. Omegas, in general, are used to being mistreated and unappreciated in packs. However, in my experience, they are the backbone of every pack. Without them, the packs would fail apart. They work hard and they appreciate having a job. It makes them feel needed and an integral part of the pack, which they are. But they also thrive. when they are acknowledged for their hard work, just like everyone else

I am standing in the pantry that is so poorly stocked that it’s hardly worth calling it a pantry, when the kitchen goes quiet

I turn and see Eli and Carlos holding the tray and empty plates that I sent up to them. Both of their mouths are open slightly and their eyes are wide. I quickly look around and see that every omega’s eyes are now on the floor. These poor people are so used to being mistreated by their leaders

Alpha. Beta.I say, stepping out of the pantry and walking toward them. What a surprise to see you.” 

Eli steps up to me. Grace. What is going on?I can hear the awe in his voice, but I also know that his words are causing concern with the omegas. They don’t know how to interpret his question. I need to guide this conversation so he understands that he must tread lightly

Your omegas have stepped up and are working to make sure that your pack members are fed not only lunch, but also dinner. Aren’t you proud of them, Alpha?I say, hoping he’ll catch on

He looks at me for a moment before reaching out to kiss my forehead. I don’t know that I’ve ever been prouder of my pack members.He says, walking into the kitchen

Tell me, what do we have here?He asks, pointing to some food preparation

An omega looks at me and I nod encouragingly at her. Well, Alpha, we have a lot of potatoes that were harvested recently. For lunch we made homemade potato chips and for dinner, we’re going to make roasted rosemary potatoes with rosemary from our garden.” 

He looks at her, touching her shoulder gently, ignoring the way she flinches and smiles at her. That sounds delicious.He says

In true omega fashion, they all want their Alpha’s approval, so many start talking at once. Eli is incredible. He takes time to go to each one, listening to what they are doing and giving them approval and praise for their hard work. Carlos jumps in as well and adds some extra comments and praise


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