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The Broken Warrior’s Daughter by Cooper novel Chapter 351

Chapter 0351 

We’ll need lighter food for the injured. You should begin making that turkey soup you! inentioned. Those recovering will need it and anything else you can think of that might help them to recover more easily

Yes Luna.She says just as Carlos and Noah return with supplies

You must be Grace.A deep, unfamiliar voice says from behind me. I spin around to see a man standing beside one of the women I sent to guard the packhouse

Luna, this is” 

I recognize him. I don’t know how, but I recognize this man. Liam.I finish for 


His answering smile is like the sun breaking through a cloudy day. It’s nice to finally meet you.He says, looking around. Although I wish it were under better circumstances. Angel and I heard your call for help. I am here to assist, and I have brought some warriors and my doctor as well. Angel wanted to come, but she’s pregnant and I didn’t know what we were going to be walking into.” 

I shake my head. Liam, thank you.As I stare, he raises an eyebrow at me. Are you go 

going to tell your Amazonian squad that it’s okay for my pack members to come in?He asks dryly

Of course, let them in.I tell my pack member

Where’s Eli?Liam asks, coming in and beginning his own assessment of our injured

Here. He’s been hit three times.Liam comes over and looks at him, nodding

Get the bullets out and the arrow and he’ll be fine. My guess is that he’ll be up and walking around before tomorrow morning.” 

I turn to look at him. How do you know that?” 

He smiles at me. Gifts of being mated to a Guardian.” 

He looks at me for a moment. You’ve been avoiding us, Grace. It’s time Maial came to meet her sisters. You don’t know what it means to them and will mean to you until she gets her memories back. But it’s time. We’re family. Maia just needs to remember that.” 

Liam takes a scalpel and begins cutting into Eli’s shoulder before taking forceps

and reaching in to pull the bullet out. He drops it on the floor beside him

Angel has an immunity to silver and therefore, now, so do I. I don’t think you have that Guardian gift, but it looks like you are resistant to wolfsbane.He says nodding to my leg. If so, Eli will have it now as well. That will help his healing.The moment Liam’s doctor enters the room, Noah’s head shoots up. Mate!” 

Her head lifts in the same way, looking at Noah in awe. Mate.” 

Well, fuck, I just lost my best doctor.Liam says, working on the other bullet in Eli’s thigh

The adrenaline is wearing off and having Liam here feels surreal, so my response is not appropriate for the situation. Yeah, Eli said we have a lot of unmated pack members and wants to set up pack gatherings between the three packs.I tell 


Great idea. Rik and I have done something similar, but we’ve pretty much cleared out all of our mated pairs.” 

I’m bummed about losing Dr. Phillips. She’s great, but we have another doctor. It sounds like you need her here anyway.” 

He moves to start cutting the arrow out of Eli’s thigh. I’m guessing this was hunters?He says, looking at me

Yes. We had a woman and her baby come to our borders asking for refuge.I look up to see Carlos. He hasn’t stopped working on the injured. She was 

running from the hunters, and they must have chased her here. She’s mated to our Beta.I say, nodding at Carlos

Liam glances over, lifting his nose in the air. He smells like an Alpha to me.He says, before tilting his head. But, no wolf?” 

I can see Carlos flinch, having heard Liam. He’s a great Beta, wolf or no.I say defensively

Never said he wasn’t, I just said he’s got Alpha blood.He says as he pulls the arrow from Eli’s thigh, dropping it to the floor

Okay, you’re next.He says, standing up



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