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The Broken Warrior’s Daughter by Cooper novel Chapter 353

Chapter 0353 

I turn to Grace. Do any of them need ongoing medical attention?She asks the doctor

Most of them won’t need medical attention, but I would suggest having someone close by when they wake up. They will be sore and will need food and water to help them get stronger. There are a few, however, that will need on going medical attention. Am I correct that your pack hospital is not operational?” 

That’s correct.I say, trying to push myself up. I immediately feel two hands on my shoulders, one is Grace’s and one is Rik’s

We’re here to help you brother. Let yourself heal. Liam, Grace and I can handle. this.Rik says

Brother?I ask. After everything that happened, I really didn’t expect Rik to ever truly forgive me

You’re mated to a Guardian. Regardless of our past, you’re family now. And I have very strong feelings about family.He says

Yeah, he does.Liam says behind him. You’d better get used to it, But I’ll tell you, it’s weird.” 

Rik stands, shaking his head before turning back to me. I think you should take the doctor’s orders and get some food and rest.” 

I’ll rest when my pack is settled.I say

Spoken like a true Alpha.Rik says, putting his hand out to help me up. But I would suggest perhaps finding a seat and supervising while you rest and eat.” 

When I stand, I’m unsteady on my feet and Grace is immediately at my side, pulling my arm over her shoulders. She helps me to walk to a table, pulling up a chair. She then calls to Cammy to prepare a bowl of soup and some water

As I eat, I watch Grace organize the injured to be placed back in their rooms if they live here in the packhouse or to be taken home if they have one. If they have mates, their mates are assigned to stay the night with them. If they don’t, she gets omegas to volunteer to watch over them, letting them know to contact her if anything happens or if they need help

One of Rik’s warriors walks in to give an update on the border patrols when I watch his nose lift in the air. Mate!He says excitedly, looking around. I watch as Maddison, the one from the garden, looks up with the same dazed, excited 

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look on her face. Mate.She says back

Well, that’s two.Grace says as she walks over to take my empty bowl

Two?I ask

Noab met his mate, too.She says, pointing to where he is helping a doctor work on a patient. I can see from here how enamored he is already. Thankfully, his mate seems to be just as happy. Maybe finding his mate will make him more willing to be my Gamma

What about Carlos and Amber?I ask

You’re right, I forgot about them. I guess that’s three. Liam likes your idea about having pack get togethers. Obviously, there is a need. I’ll be sad to lose Maddie, she’s a good worker and a strong pack member. But we’re getting a doctor from Liam’s pack, so that’s good.” 

I watch as all the injured are moved to their rooms, or their houses with either their mates, or those that volunteered to watch over them. Bowls of soup are set aside or sent home for the injured. A total of 22 wolves were injured but only two were injured severely. Rik offered to take them to his pack hospital to have medical supervision until they healed

Liam and I will leave some of our warriors here to help with your patrols overnight. They can send us a pack link if you’re attacked again, and we can get here much quicker. I’d also like to request that you allow my Lead Warrior, Trevor, to stay so he can get to know his mate.He nods his head at the man speaking to Maddison

Maddison.I tell him. And of course. I’m happy to have some of our pack members finding their mates.” 

Liam mentioned you wanting to have pack gatherings. It’s a good idea, something we should discuss. Soon.He says meaningfully

I have several things to discuss with you and Liam. I’d like to get together this weekend if everything settles down here after this battle.” 


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