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The Broken Warrior’s Daughter by Cooper novel Chapter 359

Chapter 0359 

The rest of the day goes by, and I’m exhausted by the time I head back to our room. Carios found the carpenter and asked him to build a crib. Apparently, the carpenter was so excited he said he’d build him a bassinet as well. I was happy to see him being more affectionate with Amber at dinner and watched as Grace. introduced her to Victoria, getting her set up to see the gardens while we are away

When I get to our room, I see that Grace has packed a bag. I begin looking for my backpack before spotting it on the bed, looking like it’s already packed. Did you pack my bag as well?I ask her

I did, I hope that’s okay. You looked tired at dinner, and I wanted you to be able to come up and relax. You’re still recovering from yesterday. Why don’t you go take a shower while I finish up.She says, pulling some clothes out of the closet

I walk up behind her and wrap my arms around her. Why don’t you join me in the shower and then we can curl up and go to sleep.I tell her

Why Alpha, are you trying to get me naked and wet?She asks, coyly. I growl, deep in my chest, pushing against her

I am now.I say, pulling her into the bathroom. We did discuss trying new positions and seeing which ones are your favorite. I’d be remiss if we didn’t at least try shower sex.I tell her, before stripping off her clothes

Later, I’m curled up around my naked mate in bed, enjoying her warmth. We’ll have to do that again soon, Alpha.She says sleepily

Grace.I saw warningly. She knows what calling me Alpha does to me

She chuckles, her body shaking in my arms. Goodnight Eli.It’s quiet for a moment. I love you.She says softly

I love you too my little Alpha.I tell her and we both drift off to sleep. The next morning, we wake up early. As we head down to grab breakfast, I call Rik and let him know we’ll be leaving shortly. We’re running since it’s faster to get to his pack lands through the canyon instead of driving around it. And since neither Grace nor I have a car or know how to drive, we aren’t taking anyone away from the pack that may need to be here to help cover for those that are still recovering from the hunter attack

At breakfast, we meet up with Trevor and Maddison. She will have to come back for her things, but Trevor will bring her in his car. When we’re ready, we all go out to the forest and strip, collecting our clothes before shifting and grabbing our 

bags. The run is nearly two hours, but as we begin to run through the canyon, Maia stops short, looking around

Louis turns around and Trevor’s wolf stops, turning to walk back to Maia. I shift, looking at her. Maia, what is it?” 

Trevor shifts and turns, looking around. This is where Clint died.He says softly

I go to Maia, getting down on my knees and running my hands through her fur as she sniffs the ground. Baby, are you okay?I ask her

She lifts her head and lets out a mournful howl that is heartbreaking to hear. I can hear the answering howls of wolves from both packs as they echo around the 


I hold her face and put my forehead against her furry head. I’m here. Anything you need baby. Take your time.” 

She remembers the fight.Grace says through the mind link. She remembers Clint and Donovan dying here after being drained by a vampire. She remembers the pain.” 

As she looks around, remembering, I hear large paws pushing through the ground, headed our way. I stand up, looking in the direction of the sound and I see what looks like Cyran, Liam’s wolf, carrying Angel

up to 

When they get close, Cyran slows down. Angel crawls off his back, her grey eyes turning olive when her wolf pushes forward. Sister.She says and walks Maia, leaning down and hugging her. I’ve looked forward to meeting you. Alessia would love to meet you in her wolf form, but we’re expecting, so I can’t shift right now.She tells Maia

Maia begins to shift, and I reach into my bag, grabbing a shirt, shoving it over her head the moment she shifts. As shifters, we may be used to nudity, but I don’t want my mate naked around other Alphas

Grace stands, looking at Angel, Maia still glowing in her eyes. Alessia?” 

Angel’s smile is breathtaking. You remember me?She says, taking Grace’s 


Yes.Grace says, laughing while tears trek down her face. Yes, I remember you.” 

As they embrace, I hear large paws coming from a different direction. Kai, Rik’s. wolf, runs up carrying Cara. He gently lays down, letting Cara slide off him before he hurriedly shifts and picks her up. I told you I’d pull out the big guns if you couldn’t get her to come see us.Rik tells me. I guess Cara is the big gun


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However, when Grace turns, Maia’s gold takes over her eyes and her voice, when she speaks, is deep. Artemis.She says, moving toward Cara, whose emerald eyes are now rimmed with gold

I’d call you father, but that’s not accurate. You are still my parent, yes?The deeper voice of Artemis asks Maia

Grace walks to Cara, wrapping her arms around her, holding her close even though she’s still in Rik’s arms

Yes, you are mine.Maia replies

When she releases her, Grace turns and looks at me, swaying a bit. I immediately step up to her, holding her. Baby?” 


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