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The Broken Warrior’s Daughter by Cooper novel Chapter 366


Chapter 0366 

At dinner, we sat with Rik, Cara, Liam, Angel, Rik’s Beta Chase and his mate, Lacey, bis Gamma Jason, and his mate, Willow, the one pregnant with twins. I realized Rik’s entire team of ranked members is pregnant at the same time. In addition to them, Rik’s parents, Alpha Anders and Luna Calista joined us

Rik introduced us to his pack and let everyone know that we were forming our own official pack. He explained how our pack came into being and I could tell by the looks some of them were passing back and forth, that they knew of others that may need to escape to our pack

During dinner, we talked about getting together tomorrow and seeing what strengths the girls could use together. I can see Rik is hesitant to let Cara do much, but she likes the idea. It’s not the Guardian gifts that tire me out, Rik. I’ll be fine.And that was the end of that discussion. I couldn’t help but smile. At least I’m not the only one willing to do just about anything for my mate

After dinner, we sat outside for a while, enjoying the evening air before retiring 

to our room

Rik said you had an idea for the pack’s name. What were you thinking?Grace asks me as we settle into bed. I pull her against me, so her back is flush against my front, curling my arm around her waist before answering

I wanted to see what you thought. Most packs are named for the area they are in, or some significant landmark on their pack lands. But…..” 

But?She says, turning and looking at me over her shoulder

I was thinking we could call it Safe Haven. I know it’s not typicalI rush to continue, but she stops me

I love it. It’s perfect and it’s exactly what we are. I think the pack will like it too.She says


Yeah.I feel better knowing she agrees with the name and feels that the pack will too. I didn’t think coming up with a name for a pack would cause this much trepidation, but once it’s named, it permanent. It’s kind of like naming your child, you don’t want to get it wrong and have them deal with a crappy name. their entire life

I’ll finalize it with Anders tomorrow and get the application process started. Now, tell me why the idea of the Tournament of the Moon Goddess had your 

+15 BONOS 

anxiety spiking earlier.” 

She shifts uncomfortably in my arms. I kiss her shoulder, rubbing my nose against her neck, waiting her out

My father will be there.She whispers

It hadn’t occurred to me that she might have to face her father. After all these years, I understood her reluctance. You don’t have to go. I think we should, as a pack, formalize our ranking among the other packs, but we can do that without you, baby.” 

Excuse me.She says offended, turning in my arms. “I’m a Guardian, our pack will not battle for a ranking of strength without me. I’m the strongest member of our pack, with the possible exception of you.” 


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