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The Broken Warrior’s Daughter by Cooper novel Chapter 387

I shake my head and close my eyes again, pulling on Cyran’s strength

My name is Rik Forte.Nothing

I am Alpha of Canyon Ridge Pack.Nothing

Trevor is my Gamma.Metal

Yep, that worked.I say, smacking my tongue around in my mouth and trying to remove the taste

Chapter 0387 

It really does taste terrible.Eli says behind me

All of our heads turn to look at him

You can taste it, too?Ailduin says, looking intently at Eli

Yeah. Grace is right, it’s gross

I look back at Ailduin. What does it mean?” 

He’s looking at us and I can almost see the steam coming out of his ears his brain is working so hard

Let’s try something else. Angel.He motions for her to come back over

I want you to try to mind link your pack, using Maia’s abilities. Liam, I want you to touch Angel while she’s pulling from Grace. Once Angel says she can link, I want you to try as well.” 

I feel Alessia reach out, pulling from Maia’s strength before Angel’s eyes go unfocused. I’ve connected to Sarah. She says Dustin is with her.She says

I watch as Liam’s eyes go unfocused and a moment later, a smile spreads across his face. Dustin says we have terrible timing

He turns looking at the group. We couldn’t do this with Cara.He says before looking back at me. It must be your power.” 

It worked. Cara hops up. I want to try.” 

I don’t think that’s a good idea, Cara. We don’t know how it might impact your or our little Peanut.Rik says, coming up behind her

Cara looks at Angel. Do you feel tired at all?” 

No, it was more tiring when Maia was pulling from Alessia. But, Alessia pulling from Maia almost energized me.‘ 

Cara turns to Rik. We’re trying it. If I start to feel fatigued, well, any more than I already do, I’ll stop.” 

Rik lips press into a thin line, but he walks up to Cara, wrapping his arms around her. I’m holding on to you, just in case.” 

Cara smiles, then wiggles back against him before reaching out to me. I take her hands and look at Ailduin. What do you want us to try?” 

Do you have any pack members away from the pack?He asks Cara

We do. We have a couple visiting family in a pack that’s in the next state over, several hours drive from here.Cara replies

Let’s try. Don’t overexert yourself, we don’t want to hurt your child, but I’d like to see if Artemis can pull from Maia’s strength.” 

When I take Cara’s hands, the connection between our wolves is instantaneous

Whoa.I say, startled by how easy it is to connect

We are family.Maia tells me out loud. I will always be able to connect to my child, just as Alessia will.I turn and see that Alessia has pushed forward again

Always.She agrees

See what I mean? It’s weird.I hear Liam whisper to Eli

It definitely is.Eli agrees

Cara, I want you to concentrate. I know you have the ability to mind link long distances, but with Maia’s help, Artemis should be able to mind link your pack distances, members, even though the distance extends past your reach.” 

Cara, like Angel, focuses on my face. I feel it when Artemis pulls Maia’s strength and Cara inhales sharply. Rik is instantly on alert. Cara, do we need to stop?” 

No, Angel is right. Maia’s strength is almostinvigorating. I feel great.” 

I watch as she focuses on her task and then her eyes go unfocused. It takes a few minutes, but suddenly she speaks. I have them, both of them.” 

Ailduin looks at Rik. Your turn Rik. Have Kai pull from Artemis and see if can also link your pack members.” 


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