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The Broken Warrior’s Daughter by Cooper novel Chapter 41

Chapter 0041 

Liam continues to hold my hand as we walk back to the house. Dad is outside getting the grill started. I drop Liam’s hand and head inside to get the last part of dinner ready. Liam and dad follow me inside after a few minutes

So, Alpha Liam, I took the liberty of looking inside the cooler and grabbed some 

s for the grill. I hope that’s ok with you.Dad

Please, call me Liam. And, of course. I thought the steaks would be perfect for tonight.He goes to the cooler and pulls out a bottle of wine. I also brought some wine in case you’d like some with the steaks. The rest of the meat in here consists of two racks of ribs, some bear sausage and some ground beef. I can’t say I’ve ever eaten a whole bear, but I took it to someone I trust that has processed bear meat in the past. You’ll have to let me know how you like it.The last part was directed at me. I smiled as I take the wine from him and open it to let it breathe

I start pulling the meat out of the cooler and putting it in the freezer, leaving out some ground beef to use over the weekend

Well, Liam, you’ll have to come by again soon and help us eat those ribs.” 

I’d like that sir.” 

Please, if I am to call you Liam, you may call me Clint.” 

Thank you Clint.” 

Dad takes the steaks out to season them and put them on the grill. Liam follows him to do whatever it is that men do while cooking meat over a fire. I saute the onions and garlic for the spinach and then pour the wine into three glasses. I’ve put the spinach in the skillet, pulled the potatoes out of the oven and I’m setting the table when Dad and Liam return

Liam grabs the bottle of wine and potatoes to put on the table and I spoon the spinach into a serving dish, bringing it to the table

I sit next to Liam and we dig in. I have to admit, the bear isn’t bad. It has a bit of a gamey taste to it similar to venison, but it’s more hearty like beef

After we’ve all tried the bear and decided we like it, Dad starts in with the questioning

So Liam,Liam gives my father his undivided attention, apparently prepared for this. I’m not feeling as prepared as I feel my hands begin to sweat and I rub 

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them on the napkin in my lap. I feel Liam reach over and gently take my hand

I’ll get right to the point. Are you only interested in my daughter because she’s a Guardian?” 

No sir.He turns his head and looks at me. “I’m interested in your daughter because she’s always the most beautiful, intelligent and impressive woman in the room.He turns back to my father. I have spoken to your daughter and she is aware of my intentions. I’ve been very forthcoming with her that her strength and power as a Guardian, while very attractive, do not intimidate me and are unnecessary for the strength of my pack. I would be proud to call Cara my Luna one day and she would be my equal.” 

Son, you understand that my daughter is waiting for her mate? Her mother and I both tried to instill how special a fated mate is to her.” 

Yes sir. Cara has been very upfront with me about her desire to wait for her fated mate, and I respect that.He looked at me for a moment before turning back to my father. But, I will tell you sir, I feel strongly that your daughter and I will be fated mates. My pull to your daughter is strong, as is the pull of my wolf to Artemis.” 


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