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The Broken Warrior’s Daughter by Cooper novel Chapter 427

Chapter 0427 

By the end of the week, everyone seemed to have settled into their new roles. All of the omegas were medically cleared and positions within the pack were found for them. I met with Cammy after the Lead Omega in the kitchen at my father’s pack asked if she could split shifts with her

Cammy, I wanted to talk to you about Melinda’s request to split shifts. I don’t want you to feel like I’m undermining you or your role, but I was thinking that it would be good for you to have 

more time in your day.I say when we meet in my office

Actually Luna, I had wanted to talk with you about something else and this is the perfect time. I know that many people in the pack are getting the opportunity to open a business and I wanted to 

talk to you about the possibility of me doing that as well.” 

What kind of business are you thinking of starting, Cammy

Well, Luna, I’ve always wanted to open my own diner. I’m good at managing the kitchens and I know how to schedule staff. I’ve been playing around with some new menu ideas, but I would 

need someone to help me manage the business side of things.” 

Cammy. I think that’s a great idea! Everyone loves the food you make now, and I just know you 

would do well with a diner.” 


Absolutely! What do you need to get started? Do you have someone that can help you run the business?” 

Well, no. I wasn’t sure you would agree to me opening the diner, but now I’ll have to find 

someone to help me. Unless you have any ideas?” 

I look at her a moment, thinking. It’s been months. In the beginning. I kept in touch with Benny at least weekly, but things had gotten so hectic, that I hadn’t spoken to him in way too long. When I last spoke to him, he was thinking of selling his diner and retiring. So, he might be willing to come out of retirement and move to the pack lands. I’d have to talk to Eli about it. It would mean we’d have to tell him about us, but Benny is an older, single man. He has no family and he doesn’t have anything to lose by moving here. He’s never been one to gossip or tell someone’s secrets, so it shouldn’t be a problem

I may have someone that can help you with that, but I need to talk to a few people first. How about, for now, we go see Alpha Eli and put your name on the list of a storefront. That will give you some time to start planning and give me time to see if the person I have in mind will work out.” 

We walk to Eli’s office and he’s just as encouraging about her opening a diner as I am. He puts her on the list, telling her it will be about 3 months before her diner could be completed. When she leaves. I bring up my thought about Benny

Call him. See if he’s agreeable. If he’s willing to move here, we’ll deal with how to tell him.” 

Thank you, Alpha.I say, winking at him before sashaying my hips out his door, eliciting a low rumbling growl from my mate

Later, Little Alpha.He mind links me, before sending me an explicit image of what he plans to do to me. It’s so specific that heat goes straight to my core, causing my panties to go damp

Keep it up, Alpha and the entire packhouse will know that you’re turning me on.I reply through the mind link

Come back in here and I’ll take care of that for you.He growls through the mind link. It’s been too long and he’s got my body aching, so I turn, walking back into his office and locking the door. I thank the goddess for dresses when he has me up against the wall and is sliding inside me less 

than a minute later

Twenty minutes later, I’m feeling much more relaxed as I call Benny


Hey Benny, it’s Grace.” 

Grace! I’ve been worrying about you. How are you?” 

I’m good. Things have been crazy. How’s retirement?” 

Boring as shit! I don’t know why I ever thought I wanted to retire.” 

I smile. I knew he’d hate it. He’s too use to being a busybody

Well, what would you say to coming out of retirement?” 


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