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The Broken Warrior’s Daughter by Cooper novel Chapter 433

Chapter 0433 

Dinner was a loud and chaotic affair. The sprites were back to their incessant back and forth chatter. I don’t know how Grace can have conversations with them and not get a headache, but my amazing mate takes on the roll of hostess and inserts herself in the conversations with the sprites. Angel and Cara seem to have the same ease interacting with the sprites. Liam on the other hand, makes me look like I have the patience of a saint. He has no tolerance for their chatter 

at all. Rik falls somewhere in between us and our mates

I watch as Aolis dotes on Lily. She’s still too young to really give him attention, but he seems to enjoy making her laugh. Is it weird that you already know who Lily’s mate is?I ask Rik

He looks over at Aolis, playing with his daughter. Right now, it’s fine. As she gets older, I know it will be harder for me and I’ll have to set serious boundaries. Here I was, worried I’d have to fight with Liam about his son messing with my little girl. Instead, I get fae royalty that is ten years 

older than she is. I honestly don’t know which is worse.” 

As the evening winds down, Grace makes sure that everyone is settled in their rooms. Ailduin and Aolis have been put in rooms on our floor. After making sure they also have everything they need, I pull my mate into the shower and make sure she knows exactly how amazing I think she is before I wrap myself around her in our bed and we fall to sleep

The next morning, we wake early as Grace wants to make sure that everything is ready for breakfast. We haven’t been downstairs long when Ailduin comes in, looking a bit frazzled

Grace, has someone stayed in the room I’m in recently. There’s a scent” 

Oh, Ailduin, I’m so sorry. We did have guests last week. I thought the room had been cleaned and aired properly, but I can make sure that it is cleaned again today.” 

NO!He says sharply, before regulating his tone. You misunderstand me. The scent, it’s intoxicating.I watch as his eyes nearly roll back into his head. I look at Grace. I know that look. Everyone mated werewolf knows that look. That’s the look of someone that just smelled their 


Summer? Who stayed in the room that we put King Ailduin in?I can see Grace’s eyes shining

She thinks she knows who his mate is

Summer walks in and thinks for a moment. Let me see, I believe that was Alpha Anastasia.” 

Thank you, Summer.Grace says, with a shrewd look I’ve seen before. She’s planning something

King Ailduin. Allow me to make a phone call. I don’t want to make any assumptions, but it’s 

possible that the person that was here last weekend could possibly make a trip to come this. weekend as well. I’ll find out and then, then we’ll see what happens. In the meantime, please 

have some breakfast.” 

Grace leaves to make her call. While she is gone, the others join us for breakfast. They say hello to their previous pack mates that chose to move to our pack, catching up on the changes in their lives since they came to live here. When Grace joins us, she has a smile on her face

I let Cammy and Summer know that we’ll have a couple extra visitors this afternoon, staying the 


I hope that this won’t lead to disappointment for them again.I mind link her

He’s a king. In retrospect, she’s perfect for him. It just means that Alpha Christopher will have to figure something else out with his pack.She mind links back

After breakfast, we drop the babies off at the nursery and head back outside

Today, I want to try something different. We know that Grace and Ell have the ability to mind link

long distances, and that Grace can push her ability to Eli and have him mind link longer distances 

as well. So first, let’s see if Cara and Angel can pull from Grace and mind link back to your 

respective packs.” 

It takes some time, but eventually Cara is able to mind link Lacey back at her pack. Next, Angel 

takes a turn with Liam hovering over her ready to swoop in if she looks tired

Liam, I’m pulling from her, she’s not pulling from me. I’m fine.Angel tells him, but he doesn’t 

budge. She rolls her eyes and focuses on Grace. It takes her a bit longer, but eventually, she’s 

able to mind link back to her pack as well

Excellent. Next, I want to see if Cara can pull from Grace’s power and have Rik mind link his 


This takes longer but eventually, Rik is able to mind link Chase back at his pack. Next, they try again with Angel and Liam. Again, it takes longer, but Liam is able to mind link. By the time they 

finish, it is time for lunch, and everyone looks like they could use a break

At lunch we see a very happy Thomas and Tula. Tula has a mate mark on her neck. When I look at 

Thomas, he pulls his shirt down to show me the glowing circle above his heart. The two of them 

look radiantly happy. Grace gives Tula a hug and she thanks Ailduin again for healing her

In the alternoon, Ailduin wants to see if Grace, Cara and Angel can mind link each other. They all 

look at each other, frowning before turning back to him

Your bonds are different, more significant than they have ever been in the past. Two of your wolf 

spirits have been mated and one of your wolves is the daughter of the other two. In both of those

scenarios, wolves are able to mind link, correct?Ailduin asks

Correct.They all agree

So, let’s try it.” 


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