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The Broken Warrior’s Daughter by Cooper novel Chapter 451

Chapter 0451 

One year later 

Life is amazing! After the hunter war, after everything settled down with the missing humans and after my mate woke up, things finally began to fall into place

The birth of my son, Emerson, was the most amazing moment of my life. Well, that is until today. Today, I am holding my baby girl for the first time. Emlyn Grace. She’s beautiful, perfect, just like her mother. And while I love my son more than I could ever put into words, there is something different about holding my daughter. A fierce protectiveness flows through me. It’s a feeling I’ve had with Emerson, but it’s different, more intense. There is something special about the father/daughter bond and I vow that no one will ever hurt my little girl

I lay her in my mate’s arms, watching as now the two most precious women in my life curl up and fall asleep together. I gently kiss them both on the tops of their heads before leaving them to rest

I head back to the packhouse, picking up Emerson from Carlos and Amber. Our baby boom has continued, and Carlos is expecting their third child any day now. Sirona and Noah had their babies backtoback, a girl then a boy. Angel and Liam have had two boys in the last year and Cara finally convinced Rik to have another baby, a boy this time. The sprites aren’t any better than Angel and Liam and soon we’ll have our own pack of hybrids if this keeps up. Especially now that more sprites have mated with our pack’s wolves

How is our Luna?Amber asks me, rubbing her stomach in a gesture I’ve become accustomed to seeing from Grace

She’s tired. Emlyn took her time, but they are both sleeping peacefully now. Come by later to say hi and meet our little girl.” 

We definitely will.Carlos says, coming up behind Amber and wrapping his arms around her, rubbing the spot that she was rubbing a minute ago. I learned that when I did that for Grace, both of our babies would calm down. They like feeling their fathers. Carlos seems to have picked up on it too


I head to my office, putting Emerson in his chair that he can push around office while playing with the toys attached to it. He can walk without it now, but this way I can keep track of him as he runs into things around my office

I look over the pack financials. I’m happy to see that our pack is now thriving and has become financially independent. We’ve paid off our debt Liam and Rik and 

can now afford to build homes without having to borrow money

Our nursery is so full, that we’re using the space in the children’s home while we build another one. Nearly all my pack members have a job either in one of our local shops, in the packhouse or with Liam’s company

Joel and Peyton opened their own shop, selling smoked meats and hot sauce, They didn’t exaggerate the popularity of that hot sauce. As soon as he began marketing his product, the humans contacted him and the sales went through the roof. He has hired a full staff of people to help him produce and distribute his hot sauce. Peyton still works part time smoking meat and making jerky for the kitchens, but half of her stock of smoked meat is now sold in their store

We had Jeremy build us a greenhouse so we can grow our plants yearround. The sprites are happy to be in charge of the gardens and even I have to admit, they are very useful. Year round, our garden is at peak performance keeping our kitchens well stocked and still providing food for the market to sell to the other packs. I’ve even had packs from farther away contact me asking if we have supplies of certain foods


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