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The Broken Warrior’s Daughter by Cooper novel Chapter 462

Chapter 0462 

My name is Lily Raines 

I’m 17 years old 

I’m 5 foot 6 inches tall 

I have brown hair and blue eyes 

I want to be a warrior when I graduate 

I will not sleep with you, so stop pursuing me

That’s what I read on the paper that she handed to me as she walked out of class. I read it again and then look at the place where she walked out. This is going to be harder than I thought

First of all, every time she looks at me, I get so lost in her blue eyes that I can’t even remember my name, much less what we were talking about. I’m guessing by now she thinks I’m an idiot

You are an idiot.My unhelpful wolf tells me

And now she thinks I just want to sleep with her. When she asked me why I’m suddenly pursuing her, I didn’t have a good reason. I don’t want to tell her that we’re mates. I obviously have some damage control to do before we get to that point. And while I was getting lost in the neverending blue of her eyes, she apparently took my lack of response as me wanting to get in her pants. Which let’s be honest, I absolutely do. But not as a hook up or a onetime thing. I want this woman next to me, beside me in bed and in life, forever

Maybe you should let me try. You just keep screwing it up.Donovan says to me

I’m open to suggestions.I tell him as we walk out to meet with Anders

Let me out tonight. We can find where she lives, and I’ll go say hi.It’s not the worst idea he’s ever had

It’s better than any idea you’ve had.Donovan retorts

Hey, how did it go?I slapshake Anders as I walk up to him, asking about how things went with Calista today

Like shit. You?” 

Same.I told him this morning about Lily being my mate. When we saw her and Calista walking to school, I thought it was the perfect way to not only get to know 

+25 BONUS 

my mate but give Anders some time with Calista. However, we both got burned

We need a plan.He says to me

Donovan wants to try and find Lily tonight. I’m willing to give it a try and see how it goes.” 

Anders looks thoughtful. I think we need something bigger than that. I’ll think about it, but it needs to be a grand gesture.” 

I laugh at my friend. You’re the one with the grand gestures. Just let me know what you need, and I’ll be your wingman.” 

His eyes open wide. That’s a great idea!” 

What are you talking about?” 

Top Gun. Bar scene. Singing to his girl.” 

Your voice sucks dude. No one wants to hear you sing.” 

Exactly, I won’t stop singing until she agrees to go out with me.An evil smile spreads across his face

I snicker at him. Okay, but how do we get them to a bar that we’re at to make it happen.” 

His face falls. I’m still working on that.” 

We climb into his car and head back to the packhouse. My parents moved to the packhouse after I got my wolf and we realized he had a Guardian spirit. Anders. parents wanted to keep me close and protected, while fostering a continued relationship with their son. A couple of years ago, my parents went on vacation and the plane crashed over the ocean. They were never found. Afterward, my room was moved to the Alpha floor so I could be closer to Anders, and we’ve basically been raised as brothers ever since

When we get back to the packhouse, we split off to change for training. I’m excited because I’ll get to see Lily again. Hopefully, this time I won’t get distracted by her eyes and I can have an intelligent conversation. Anders and I run morning training, while his father, Alpha Patrick and Patrick’s Beta, Calvin, run afternoon training

I get there early, hoping to catch Lily before training begins. When I arrive, she’s not there yet, so I begin warming up. Other warriors begin surrounding me and warming up with me, but when I see her, I pull away and jog up to her


I watch as she rolls her eyes. Clint. I thought my note was sufficient.” 

I’m trying hard not to take it personally that she really wants nothing to do with me. My mate wants nothing to do with me. It’s a huge blow to my ego

Well. I wasn’t planning to ask you to sleep with me. I wanted to know if would like to go on a date with me on Friday.” 


She frowns at me. I don’t date. I don’t need to take a girl out to get laid. And since I have no inclination to build a relationship with anyone but my mate, I’ve never bothered to put much effort into dating or even getting to know more than


Actually,she says as Lucas walks by. She grabs his arm. Lucas and I are 

already going out on Friday night, right Lucas?She looks at him and I can tell by the way she’s looking at him, that this wasn’t exactly planned. However, Lucas, the dipshit, seems all too willing to oblige

That’s right. We talked about it earlier today.” 


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