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The Broken Warrior’s Daughter by Cooper novel Chapter 466

Chapter 0466 

YES! Success! Lily finally agreed to go out with me, but now I need to convince Anders to let me spar with her and I have to tell him why Calista won’t go out with him. I’ve never hated my reputation as much as I do right now

I wait until I see Lily grab her clothes and walk into her house before jogging back to the packhouse. It’s dinner time and 1 divert up to my room to take a quick shower before heading down to the main dining hall where most of the pack house eats as well as many other pack members that come here after training

I find Anders sitting with his parents and the Beta family. Charles is Calvin’s son and has been training to be Anders Beta since I got my Guardian spirit at 10. He’ll make a good Beta for Anders

I grab some food and take a seat across from Anders, saying hello to everyone at the table

So, how’d it go?He asks me, referencing my escape from Jules

Actually, it went well. Andra was out running, and it gave me an opportunity to finally get Lily to agree to go out with me

Congratulations! That’s great man. You’d better plan something special.” 

He’s right. I need to make this date memorable, so she’ll know I’m serious and go out with me again

I have a favor to ask.I say, knowing I’ll have to give him something in return, but I already have that up my sleeve

His eyes narrow at me. What favor?” 

Your dad has you set to spar with Lily tomorrow and I want to switch with you.I tell him. As expected, he smirks at me

And what do I get in return?” 

I lean forward, motioning for him to sit forward. He does and so does Charles. I know why Calista won’t go out with you.I tell him

Deal!He says immediately. Now spill.” 

She and Lily think we’ve made a bet to see which one of us can get them into our bed the fastest.I sit back, knowing the information is good, but also knowing it won’t help him

Shit. How did you get Lily to agree to go out with you?” 

+26 BOHUS 

I gave her my word as a Guardian.” 

He blinks at me for a moment. I thought you only did that for me and dad?” 

And Lily.I say, giving him a meaningful look. No one else knows that she’s my mate and I want to keep it that way

We finish our dinner and 1 head up to my room. I never go to my room this early. I’m always out spending time with the pack members or deciding who will be keeping my bed warm for the night. Now, I have more important things to do and no interest in having anyone but Lily in my bed

I log into my computer and begin looking up places for Sunday brunch. I search for places with great reviews then search the surrounding area to see what other places I can take Lily. I’ve finally settled on a small diner style brunch place in the mountains, about an hour away. From there, it looks like there is an area where there are hiking trails for humans, but lots of forest surrounding it where we can let Donovan and Andra run

Afterward, I do something I thought I’d never do. I pick up the book we’re reading for literature and start at the beginning. I have every intention of wooing my mate, and if that starts in the classroom, so be it

The next morning I meet up with Anders and we head out to training. I’m aggravated that I have to watch Lucas spar with Lily, but at least I know that I’ll be sparring with her this afternoon, and hopefully I can convince her to go for a run afterward

After Anders gets them warmed up, we have them set up to spar. Anders and I go through the moves we want them to practice today before letting them practice. I start by walking around to other partners, helping them get the move and making sure they are taking turns on offense and defense in the sparring positions

I’m just about to head over to Lily and Lucas when I hear someone go down hard and the wheezing of the wind having been knocked out of their lungs. I look over just in time to see Lily rolling back to her feet, Lucas on his back, his hand on his chest, looking like he’s sucking in air

I walk over, ready to intervene. What happened?” 

Lily reaches her hand out to Lucas and helps him up. She kicked my ass, that’s what happened. When did you get so strong Lils?Lucas asks her

Perhaps you were letting her win so you don’t have to pay for dinner on Friday night.I say. I know it’s snarky and uncalled for, but I’m still pissed that he’s 

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taking my mate to dinner

He bends over, hands on his knees, catching his breath. Nope, she’s just that good.He looks up at me, frowning. And I told you I’m buying dinner regardless of who wins today.” 

I’ve been practicing Lucas, so buck up.Lily tells him

Practicing for what?I ask her. This is the second time she’s mentioned that she’s training outside of our two training classes

The warrior battles are at the end of the school year, and I want to win.She tells me

Fuck Lily, are you vying for my position as the next Lead Warrior?Lucas looks offended, when in truth, he should be taking this as competition, so he improves. If he’s going to be our Lead Warrior, Lily shouldn’t be able to beat him

It’s not your position until you earn it, Lucas.I say to him

And besides Lucas, when I find my mate, I’ll be leaving this pack, so you don’t have to worry about it.” Lily tells him

What makes you think that your mate isn’t in this pack?I ask her

She just shrugs. I would think I’d feel something by now. My birthday is less than two months away.” 

Oh, Lily bud, if you only knew


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