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The Broken Warrior’s Daughter by Cooper novel Chapter 47

Chapter 0047 

On the morning of my birthday, I wake early. Since it is my birthday, I am going to spend it how I choose. And I choose to start my day watching Cara kick my warriorsbutts

I go to the window and wait. And wait. She’s not here. I’ve never seen her miss training. Could something have happened? I heard dad asking the warriors if anyone has heard from Cara. No one has. I am hoping nothing has gone wrong with the gift, or worse, that Liam has shown up early this morning to finish what he started last night

Just as I was about to head over to her house to make sure she is ok, I see Artemis running toward the training field from the forest. My mind immediately settles. and I feel like I can breathe again. As she comes out of the forest, everyone is giving her grief for being late. Dad has her run laps before allowing her to spar. I don’t know if the intention is to wear her out, or to give the other warriors an opportunity to beat her, but either way, it doesn’t work. She shows every one of them their ass

Surprisingly, she asks my dad if he wants to give it another shot. What is this? Dad has sparred with her? He’s never mentioned it to me. When he said that he was old but not stupid, I had to wonder if Cara has beat him. That would be something, but if anyone can do it, my girl can

I can’t wait to start training with her next week. I’ve been waiting until she knows that it’s me claiming her and that I know who she is. After tonight, she will. So Monday morning, bright and early, I’ll get my first chance to spar with Cara and see if she can take me down. I can’t wait

After training, I jump in the shower and head downstairs to have breakfast with my family. I know mom will be in the kitchen and that the staff will be making a special breakfast for me. When I walk into the dining room, the entire room shouts Happy Birthday.My mom stands at a table with her hands clasped. together

I smile at her and walk over. Happy birthday my handsome boy.” 

Thank you mom, but I’m not a boy anymore. Haven’t been in a while.” 

I’m your mother, you will always be my boy.” 


My dad is next. Happy birthday son.He reaches out to hug me and as he does he quietly asks, Smell anything mouthwatering?I pull back and smile, gently shaking my head, no. I know what he is asking. Can I smell my mate? Nothing

+15 BONDS 

other than this delicious food.” 

Several of the omegas come out laden with trays of food. They all wish me a happy birthday and I thank them all for the well wishes and the food

Breakfast is a long affair. I am pretty sure every unmated shewolf of age in my pack came by to wish me a happy birthday. Still nothing

Chase comes and sits beside me. Happy birthday Alpha.” 

He hands me a gift wrapped box. Before you open it, I expect you to share this when we find our mates.I open the box to find WhistlePig, The Boss Hog VII. A $ 1000 bottle of whiskey

Damn Chase! This is awesome! I’ll be saving this for when we find our mates, our Alpha and Beta ceremonies, when our pups are born shit, this will be for every amazing event in our lives. Thanks man!I give him a bro hug. I can’t wait to taste this, we may have to break it open later tonight!” 

So, what’s your plan for today?He asks me

Nothing really until tonight. Everything is in place.” 

ant to go for a run? We can see if you catch the scent of anything divine around the pack.” 



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