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The Broken Warrior’s Daughter by Cooper novel Chapter 56

Chapter 0056 

But Cara is special. And I want her to know every day for the rest of her life how special she is to me. I don’t want there to ever be a doubt in her mind that she’s the one and only one for me. Since the moment I saw her across the quad at school, no one will ever compare to her in my eyes

As the song comes to an end, I can’t help but sing the closing line to her. She is perfect, in every way

I’m caught in a trance looking into her eyes. I don’t know how long we would have stood there if things hadn’t gone to shit

The howls of the patrols sounding the alarm goes up at the same time that wolves come crashing into the clubhouse, seemingly from everywhere. I push Cara behind me as two wolves came right at us. I shift as I jump toward them, my clothes shredding around me. Kai begins ripping out throats, the smell of garbage a clear indication that they are rogues. All around me, warriors are shifting and fighting

My father mindlinks the pack. Warriors, get the rogues out of here, we need to protect those that cannot fight.He’s right, with most of the pack here, there are pregnant females, pups and elderly that can’t shift any longer

I open the mindlink to the pack. Anyone that cannot fight, move toward the bathrooms. Warriors create a barrier around them to keep them safe.I see a wolf racing toward a pregnant woman holding her young pup. Her mate is battling another wolf and can’t help her. I jump on the wolf, ripping his head off. I look at the woman and nod my head in the direction I want her to go. She clutches her child and takes off

I see Cara from the corner of my eye. She hasn’t shifted but she’s taking out her share of rogues while corralling others into the back room by the bathrooms. I watch as she pushes a pup behind her, letting her claws come out as she slashes the throat of a rogue who jumped at her. She then picks up the pup and moves. toward the area where several warriors are setting up a perimeter to protect the pack members

She finds her father. He has stationed himself front and center of the protection perimeter and even from here I can see he is barking out orders to the other warriors. His eyes are so golden that they look like small suns glowing out of his eyes. Donovan is fighting with Mr. Nelson. I watch as a rogue attempts to go for his throat, thinking he’s easy prey. Mr. Nelson catches the wolf in mid air with one hand and rips his head off with the claws of the other as if it was nothing. He 

+15 BONOS 

may be in a wheelchair, but I will never underestimate that man’s fighting ability

More rogues pour into the club. My father, Liam, Chase and our pack warriors are tearing into them, but there are so many and they just keep coming. Where are they even coming from? I begin tearing my way through more rogues, trying to help as many warriors as I can, when I hear a howl from outside. The rogues. begin to make their way out of the building. Oh hell no! You’re not getting off that easily

I follow them out of the building, seeing, for the first time, their true numbers. There are hundreds of them. On a hill a short distance away, I see their leader. He is looking right at me. His wolf is giving me a sly smile. He turns and runs off, away from the fighting. Coward

Kai immediately begins to chase him. The leader’s wolf is big, but not as big ast Kai. We are gaining on him, but he’s smarter than I gave him credit for and he continues to evade us. Kai gets in a good swipe on this hindleg, but he continues 

to run

He runs through some bushes and we follow. It’s only after we come out into a small clearing that I smell them. It’s an ambush, and a well played one. There are. at least 20 wolves here and they surround me immediately

Kai bares his teeth and begins snapping at them. The leader shifts back to his human form. Alpha Rik, how kind of you to join us.” 

From behind me, I feel the pricks of several darts into my hindquarters

The wolfsbane begins to flood my system and I’m forced to shift back as the drug knocks Kai out, effectively reducing me to a human


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