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The Broken Warrior’s Daughter by Cooper novel Chapter 77

Chapter 0077 

True to their word, Lacey and Jason provided hourly updates

Several hours later, I get my first bit of good news. Cara woke up for a short amount of time and the doctor said he’s impressed with her healing ability. I can’t help the smile that spreads on my face as I head to dinner in the pack house dining room

I meet up with Chase and give him the good news. That’s great Rik! I’m happy for you.We find a spot to sit and before I know it, the smell of rosewater assaults my nose again. I see Chase wrinkle his nose before Sheila sits down next 

to me

She doesn’t say anything, she just sits down, looking down at her clasped hands

Sheila.I greet her

Is it true Alpha?She looks up at me

Is what true?I know that she’s asking about Cara being my mate, but I was very clear that this topic was not to be discussed with anyone. Kai is growling in my head, ready to put this shewolf in her place

I watch her struggle to say what she’s trying to say and work around my command. About Cara?She finally spits out


She looks at me with tears in her eyes. But what about me?” 

I truly have no idea what she’s talking about. There was never anything more than sex between us. What about you?I ask her

I thought you cared about me.” 

Of course I care about you Sheila.I see her face brighten and I know I have to shut this down right now. You are a member of this pack and I care about all of my pack members.” 

Her face falls again. I thought we had something special.She whispers

Sheila, you are a nice girl that will find her mate someday. When you do, you will understand that there will never be anyone for me but her.I try to be nice, but firm

She sniffles, If you ever change your mind” 

I cut her off before she can continue. I won’t.” 

She nods and leaves

+15 BONOS 


I look at Chase. He watches her leave thoughtfully. You know there will be They will think that having sex with you meant that you wanted them to be the future Luna.” 

They would be wrong. I never promised any of them anything. I’ve always planned to make my mate the pack’s Luna. Now that I have found her, I won’t give her up.” 

After dinner, I head up to my room. I want to get some rest while I can. I’m hoping to get another update overnight, and I’m not disappointed

Around 2am, I get a mind link from Jason. Cara is up again. She is feeling stronger, and she is eating, but Dr. Harris wanted her to go back to sleep to continue to get her strength back. I go back to sleep feeling better that she is getting stronger

The next morning, I’ve had quick updates saying that Cara is stable and still sleeping. Dad is doing training again, so I join in. It’s not as difficult as Mr. Nelson’s training but I go all in, working to build my strength. I’m back to the Cara Nelson sparring trainingI take down each of my warriors one after the other. There is a lot of grumbling. The group thought they would get a break without a Guardian in the training

On my way from training to breakfast, I get another mind link, from Lacey this time. Cara is awake, feeling stronger and had a short conversation with Artemis. All of the attempted mate marks are gone. Artemis is still weak and fighting the venom, but it’s working and they are both getting stronger

Jason links me to tell me that Mr. Nelson is headed to the pack house to get food for Cara. I walk over to the lead omega in the kitchen and ask for two togo boxes. I go around and pick up a little of everything, making sure to get protein, carbs and something sweet since I’ve noticed my girl has a sweet tooth


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