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The Carrero Contract - Selling Your Soul (Mafia Romance) novel Chapter 12

Really, inwardly I am recoiling at the overpowering stench of his old man aftershave and the clammy sweaty feel of his suit as he pushes against me a little possessively. Luckily, I am a practised hand at convincing ugly men that I want them naked, sweating all over me and it’s as easy as breathing.

‘’I may just steal you as my date.’’ I squeeze his arm and nestle closer in a very touchy-feely gesture, smiling adoringly. ‘‘Seeing as you appreciate my finer qualities. Alexi likes to tease my English-ness mercilessly, don’t you Muffin?’’ I flutter sweetly his way seeing that cool mask of indifference envelop his face as he tries not to stare directly at my arm in another man's. He has taken on the unreadable manner that usually means he is not a ‘‘Happy Chappy’’ while reaching for a glass from a passing tray.

I sigh inwardly and wonder if all men revert to children when it comes to sharing, as Mr Boss as he is sometimes, he gets a faint stroppy look in his eyes that screams of man-child and now is no exception.

My insides sink a little. I am still wary of Carrero even if he does make for a good night out.

‘‘How dreadful, you surely cannot resist this accent or that dress. It’s simply alluring and I bet she’s a vixen in the sack right? These English girls normally are.’’ His dirty laugh, inappropriate comment and shifty look at my tits for the umpteenth time make me wholly uncomfortable as I am fully aware his kid is standing literally two feet away, her face reddening at his remark. It’s obvious he has had a few drinks, lost his inhibitions and Alexi seems to almost exude a change in the atmosphere very rapidly.

I know this type of sleazeball and can handle him a thousand times over if I was not under the scrutiny and command of one intimidating Carrero with an ulterior motive. Alexi is making me just as uncomfortable with his weirdness over a task he wanted me to carry out and I’m simply at a loss with how to respond, except giggle and playfully nudge Demagio coyly as though he is insanely funny.

Flirt mode still intact, pander to the man and make him think he amuses me. Brush that ego.

‘’She’s surely something alright.’’ Alexi grits through a smile with an edgy undertone yet captures my upper arm and pulls me towards him, so I’m dragged free from the other man and positioned right beside my seemingly jealous date, who hauls me in against his side with a strong arm and a no-nonsense look plastered on his face. I can feel the slight tense sizzle in the air and Demagio looks a little perplexed suddenly.

With his attention ripped from my body he seems to realise who he is fucking with. It was subtle, but he got the message loud and clear. Alexi doesn’t like me playing over there with another man, even though it’s what he brought me here to do and Demagio is getting a very strong hint that I am Alexi’s girl in all aspects.

I, on the other hand, cannot tell if this is part of the act, or if he is genuinely pissed at this. I try to ignore it and stick to what I am supposed to do, my stomach tightening in knots and getting a little uptight with his change. I hate having to second guess this man.

He really is a mind fuck! He is making me tense.

‘’Where are you seated tonight? We have a great box over on the left side.’’ I ask demurely knowing Alexi wants to coax him back to our box and even if he is acting weird, I know that is tonight’s goal. Sweetness and smiles oozing from every pore and I try to blank out the stiff and uncharming attitude that’s fast-growing on Carrero. I am playing my part like he wanted and schmoozing and smiling the future Mayor's way with all the skill of a seasoned player. He cannot be mad at me for obeying him.

‘’Is that an invitation Miss England?’’ Demagio seems to have forgotten he was scalded and goes back to a full sleazy offensive, fuelled by alcohol and eyeballing my boobs once more. Leaning into me suggestively and getting a little too close for my liking.

Alexi looks around the room yet keeps a firm hold on me, as he seems to be preoccupied with other guests smiling his way. His grip however, hints at something more going on in his head; he is tuned into Demagio for sure and not about to let me go cuddle up with the man any time soon.

‘Walters. Miss Walters!’’ He snaps back into the conversation abruptly, with a tight smile pasted on his face, unamused, that Demagio seems to miss and corrects him. I am not liking the vibes, but I carry on. He is reminding Demagio of his authority I guess, and the man is too drunk and too hormone fuelled to notice, too busy undressing me with his eyes and fighting to keep his tongue in his head.

I have no doubt I am already starring in a porno in that filthy brain of his.

‘’Sure is, and we would love to have you both come sit with us and keep me cosy. Alexi isn’t much of a small talker and I get so lonesome over there while he’s intent on watching his opera.’’ I joke and give Alexi a nudge to remind him of why we are here, a raised brow and a subtle ‘’get with the plan’’ in the look I give him. It seems to register somewhere. His face softening slightly and I sigh with relief as his grip on me loosens.


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