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The Carrero Contract - Selling Your Soul (Mafia Romance) novel Chapter 13

The curtain is due to go up at any second as we take our seats back in the box, Alexi guiding me to sit between him and Mr Demagio, and as I do so the older man slides a concealed stroke over my thigh out of Alexi's viewpoint with his thumb. I do not react at all, just keep my cool and plaster a smile on my face but my skin is recoiling across my body and my insides are clenching up on me.

I have been out of this game too long it would appear, and my short stint working in Alexi’s club has dampened my immunity to unsolicited male groping. I have a lost a little of my edge and not as immune as I used to be.

His young friend on the other side sits forward to peer over the balcony, completely oblivious to her dirty old escort and I hope for her sake it is her father and their relationship is innocent. I don’t see any facial similarities that suggest this is her Daddy, but you never know.

‘‘You’re a charming creature Miss Walters, most alluring. Mr Carrero you are a lucky man to get to delight in this beautiful morsel every moment of the day.’’ He leans over me to talk to Alexi and breathes down my cleavage as his face gets that close.

I sit back, leaning so my breasts are prominent, and try not to recoil with the contact, making a good show of an innocent manoeuvre that gives him a boner. It’s hardly concealed in his tight trousers and open jacket, and I glance at Alexi to see if he has noticed it too. Demagio is practically humping my leg like a dog in heat and I guess he is a little sex starved judging by his behaviour.

He’s an easy play; heck, I could probably get him to strip naked and do the deed right here if I coaxed him a little more. Eating out of my hand so effortlessly, because he is about ten seconds away from coming in his pants over a pair of perky breasts; that suggests he hasn’t had sex that he didn’t pay for in a very long time.

Alexi looks mildly pleased and yet somehow not. He’s giving me some mixed signals and I cannot tell if he’s being hostile or happy, but there’s an aura. He tenses a little as Demagio lays a hand on my knee to push himself back and conceal some of the obvious trouser tenting he has going on. Alexi isn’t making it obvious if he has noticed, so I am guessing he has not.

‘‘So lucky …’’ He says with a slight hint of sarcasm and I narrow my eyes at him with attitude. I know his sarcastic tone very well, I get it on a daily basis. That smug look and twitch of a brow as he mocks me.

So much for being jealous. Prick!

The curtains start lifting as the band warms up and the house lights start to drop. I have no idea when Alexi plans to secure all that he wants to with this man, so I need to keep up this act of extreme interest until he does. I smile softly Demagio’s way, sexy looks, suggestive body positioning and place a hand on his thigh very lightly to give it a little tap. It’s all the fine details.

‘’You’re quite charming yourself. Your wife is the lucky one.’’ I wink, making it obvious that it’s for his eyes only as I tilt my head away from Alexi and conceal my face slightly. He almost beams in delight as the room darkens and I go back to sitting upright, waiting to endure the crescendo of noise coming my way and bracing myself for this awful entertainment once more.


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