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The Carrero Effect - Falling for the Boss (Billionaire CEO) novel Chapter 207

“I’m sorry.” I fumble the words out, embarrassed, my eyes hit my fingers in my lap, and I twist at the hem of my very short dress.

Great way to show the man who hurt you that you’re so in control and worth every inch of fight to get you back. Especially when you drunk dial him, need his rescue, and then throw up at his feet.

Classy, Emma … just classy.

“Don’t be, I’m glad I was the one there to take care of you. It was a drunk Emma I’ve never met before.” His eyes linger this time and I can feel them boring into me a little too closely, his scrutiny making me feel more awkward. I wish the ground would just open below my feet and swallow me whole.

Sarah wanders over toward us and turns green at the sight of food. Jake waves a mug at her to offer coffee, his eyes finally giving me respite, but she just shakes her head.

“No, really, no. If I take a sip, I’ll hurl. I really need to

get home and get sorted out before I start the lunch rush

at work. I can call a cab, so you don’t have to …” Her eyes are flicking between Jake and I and the obvious tension between us.

“No, it’s fine. I want to give Emma some space to get herself together and my driver is out for now anyway. I’ll take you; I’ll just go get my shoes.” Jake pushes off the counter, glancing at me quickly, and saunters off toward his guest rooms. I can’t help but watch his strong and fit body swagger, like a man with too much sex appeal, crossing the room and that ass; sighing as I watch it go.

When did he start keeping clothes down there?

“You’re not coming home anytime soon I take it?” Sarah looks me up and down warily, a slight hint of hope on her face and a smirk at where I’ve been staring.

What is with all these looks?

“No. I think I need to stay for a bit and just see what I feel.” I turn away from her, my mind getting itself out of the gutter with the memory of Jake’s ass. I down two aspirin with the water and hold the pack to her but she just shakes them away.

“Don’t close down on him. Give him a chance. No one’s perfect, babe.” She runs a hand over my hair and tweaks my cheek. “The guy obviously adores you. I mean, who else comes tearing across Manhattan to find his ex because he’s worried she’s in danger?”

“I’m not his ex!” I snap a little too quickly, the outburst surprising me. I’ve not even begun to contemplate what we are, but I am not that, not if he loves me.

“Well then, seems there’s a small part of you that acknowledges it’s not over.” She smirks at me, knowingly, then moves away as we hear Jake coming back. “Tell Leila I said thanks for a memorable night.” Sarah smiles as she moves to go.

“Ready?” he asks her, bending to kiss me on the cheek, impulsively, as he passes. He freezes as his mouth connects with my skin, it reacts with goosebumps and flashes of flutterings deep in my stomach, my body still electrified by his touch even when things are this way between us. It hurts me knowing my body would so easily fall back into his arms.


“Sorry.” He straightens up and looks away from me. “Habit.” He mutters it so softly, almost sounding painful. He walks off placing a hand on the small of Sarah’s back, guiding her toward the door with an unreadable backward glance toward me. I’ve no idea how to feel about any of this and I’m starting to wonder if it’s even a good idea. I’m not sure if I have the strength to face Jake alone and fight the pull he has over me. I watch him from lowered lashes and a complete pit of confused despair churns me up.

Sarah slides on her coat and picks up her oversized bag, throws me a wave, and blows a kiss with a wink as I watch them leave; a strange sense of nerves creeps up inside me as Leila comes sauntering down the hall dressed in last night’s clothes.

“I have my driver coming for me so I’m going to head down, babes. Sarah still here? Has Jake gone?” She scans around in surprise.

“Jake’s taking Sarah home,” I say, picking at a croissant on the plate, having no desire to eat. My stomach is making a good effort at impersonating a washing machine.

“Yet you’re still here?” She grins, placing her hands on her hips and I sigh in response.

“I don’t know what I’m feeling or thinking anymore. I’m giving him a chance to talk and I guess I’ll take it from there.” I can’t meet her eyes as she hovers beside me. Part of me feels like I’m being weak for being here after only a week of separation. I know Leila and Sarah are both urging for me to work this out but still I feel pathetic.

“Make him suffer, Ems, but don’t let him go. He’s one of the good ones, despite all this shit, trust me. So, maybe a little messy in the brain department but I can promise you that he’s worth it.” She hugs me around the shoulders tightly before skipping to the couch for her shoes and belongings.

“What about you and Hunter?” I watch as her body, halfway to putting her shoe on, goes rigid.

“That boy has been breaking my heart since I was fifteen. I doubt he’ll ever sort out the mess in his mind long enough to let me in. I just need to learn to get over him,” she shrugs, shoes now on and turns to me with a resigned expression, meeting my gaze confidently. “Daniel is always going to be the first boy I fell in love with, he was my first kiss. He was my first sex too; not even Jake knows about that time so please don’t tell him. I’m sure he would kill Daniel for it, but he’s so far down that route of woman hating and mistrust and emotionally fucked-up that I doubt we’ll ever be anything more.” She shrugs and continues getting ready, sliding her coat on. I blanche at her open-mouthed in shock.

“Your first time having sex?”

I just can’t … Just can’t.

“Yeah, my sixteenth birthday. I saw another side to him and stupidly fell for it. I was already gooey eyed over him because he’d kissed me senseless a couple of weeks before my party. He was eighteen and just as handsome as he is now, all muscle and big grins of self-confidence.” She sighs, dreamily, almost as though lost in memories of a boy she once knew. Then, snapping out of it, she picks up her bag and walks toward me with a tear in her eye.

“What was it like? What happened?” I can’t seem to get my head around any of this at all.


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