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The Carrero Effect - Falling for the Boss (Billionaire CEO) novel Chapter 235

“Please don’t. I can’t bear to think of Jake that way, knowing we were both hurting and both too stupid to just be honest with each other. If we’d been honest after we did get together then the mess with Marissa would’ve never happened.” I sigh, laying my cup down on the low table in front of us.

“Honesty is very important … as is communication, and still cherishing one another even after the first throws of passion and excitement have died.” Sylvana focuses on me very seriously. “I know from first-hand experience that marriages can stray if you don’t keep a focus on what you mean to one another and if you stop telling each other how you really feel.” She pats me again and I get the impression she’s talking about Giovanni’s affair.

I have no idea what to say, or ask, or even let on that I know what she’s talking about. It’s too forward to say a word so I say nothing at all. Sylvana doesn’t seem to notice my awkward silence, more intent on carrying on. “Giovanni had an affair with a woman I’d thought my friend.” She states rather factually. No flicker of emotion at all which completely surprises me. “We grew apart, no time for one another anymore and sadly we’d forgotten to still love and cherish one another. He found solace in another’s arms.” She sighs at the memory.

“Oh, Sylvana, I don’t know if I could ever forgive Jake for more than a kiss, I can’t imagine.” The tears start brimming in my eyes as I try not to think of the pain she must’ve endured. How much that would destroy me if I had been in her shoes, a kiss was hard enough to forgive.

“In a way, it saved our marriage. We’d grown so distant with one another and this brought emotion and pain to the surface. I realized by the depth of my heartbreak that I still loved him and by seeing me so heartbroken he realized he still loved me. The guilt pained him so much that it brought us back together, eventually, and now we’re stronger than we ever were. The same will be said of you and Jake over this nonsense with that girl.” She seems completely un-phased by this revelation about her marriage, yet I’m so gob smacked that she could’ve ever forgive something so utterly destructive. The thought of her husband having full-on sex with someone else doesn’t even seem to flicker across her face.

“What happened with her? The other woman?” I sigh at the thought of an affair, heart wrenched for this woman I adore so very much.

“I’m sure Jake told you that it was Daniel’s mother? I know Jake tells you everything, miele. It’s okay. Unfortunately, his relationship with his father is very strained because of it and I know Jake believes that Giovanni had more affairs, but I know the truth. Giovanni cut that woman from his life and has never had another dealing with her.” Her expression holds only conviction and I really believe her.

I nod rather than deny the fact, sure in the idea that she won’t really be upset about my having prior knowledge. I nod to show I’m listening because I don’t really have any actual words to say; nod to agree that Jake really does believe his father is some sort of womanizing man-whore and still despises him for it … Ironically. Whatever she took my nod to mean I hope I covered all bases.

“Jake was already becoming more than a handful. He’d gone off the rails, with that hot blood and impulsive nature of his meeting teen hormones and then a broken heart, and Giovanni was having a very difficult time reeling him in. Jacob has always been a very big handful to deal with.” She smiles affectionately for a second, crinkling her nose with a sigh. “He had a chip on his shoulder about trust and love, so finding out his father hurt me that way sort of sealed his fate. Jake has never trusted him since and he’s so very stubborn, like his father, that he wouldn’t listen to reason.” Sylvana looks so sad and broken over the fact her son and husband are still at odds over something she herself has long forgiven.

“Maybe if he knew the finer details of the affair and knew for sure his father never did it again … or even why he did?” I offer, trying to find a way to help. Really wanting my beloved to find a way to mend bridges with his dad.

“I’ve told Jake all of this. He even knows that the women in his father’s employment are blonde and blue-eyed because I made him promise never to have another woman who resembled me close to him again. Marianne Hunter was almost like a sister in looks. Daniel takes after his father with his fair hair and blue eyes while his mother and I were almost like twins. Giovanni has a very specific type of woman he finds attractive.” Sylvana pats my knee almost to emphasize the point with a hint of a smile.

This piece of information stuns me. I, myself, once took note of the sea of small blondes that Giovanni kept as his own personal staff and just assumed, he had a type. It never occurred to me that respect for his wife had prompted him to never employ any small brunettes with green eyes and Italian beauty like his wife. In his own way, Giovanni was showing his love for her and Jake completely misunderstood it or chose to ignore it.

Stubborn ass of mine!

Jake is such a publicly attentive and demonstrative person that his father’s seemingly emotionless attitude must be completely abhorrent to him. Chalk and cheese with apparently absolutely no understanding of one another in the slightest.


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