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The Carrero Effect - Falling for the Boss (Billionaire CEO) novel Chapter 267

“I haven’t given you anything but me, and you've given me all of this.” I wave my arms around at the five-star hotel room, the ring on my finger and then run a hand down my stomach, finding his hand there and I entangle our fingers. “You gave me the fairy tale, the perfect sexy man, the crazy opulent lifestyle and the happy ever after, Jake, all I gave you was some scared girl so afraid to love.” Tears fill my eyes.

“That is the most amazing gift you can give anyone. Having you is more than all this combined. You saved me from myself, from an empty life of parties, fame, women, and booze and driving myself into the ground with work. You gave my life meaning and feeling. You gave me a purpose and completion, Emma. I know it took a while for me to stop and realize that I had it all, but we’re here now and I promise that this is only the beginning, this will only get better. We have so much more to look forward to and this baby will change everything.”

I’m bowled over with the intensity of Jake’s gaze and every word he’s saying to me. His voice is husky with emotion and I can’t breathe with how much I need him in this moment. “Miele, I didn’t save you, you saved me and yourself in the process, I only showed you the way.”

Tears prick in my eyes over the way Jake views what we are, but he couldn’t be anymore wrong. He saved me from myself, from emptiness and loneliness and from fear. He has given me the strength I pretended I always had, unlocking the doors to let me deal with my past. He gave me love in so many ways and in return it enabled me to love myself and heal. He truly is my world, and in this room, I have everything that I could ever need or hope for.

“I love you so much, so very much. I never want to

hide or run or lose you again. I swear I’ll always try

my hardest to tell you everything that I’m thinking and feeling, to never shut you out or make you think I don’t

need you. I can’t breathe without you.” I sigh tearfully,

and Jake’s eyes mist up too, holding me close. My words tumbling out in a way that I can’t control, and I can’t

help but smile about it. I think back to PA Emma, she would have been verbally frozen, unable to say a word, but here I am, letting every single thought in my head pour out uncensored for him.

“I can’t wait to marry you, to have you as my wife … I want you. I want the world to know you’re mine and see how proud I am of you. I worship the ground you walk on, Emma, you’re my everything.” Jake kisses me hard, passion spiking between us. I can’t say anymore, my throat full of tears, bursting with intense emotion, my heart is cracking under the pressure of so much love. I wrap myself around him greedily, holding tight and committing this moment to memory.

This moment is too precious for sex or more talking, so we hold each other tenderly, stroking hands and kissing; erotic but in a slow and sensual way, heightening our feelings for one another.

“Home sweet home.” Jake walks past me through the open doorway, carrying the cases into our new multi-bedroom two story Hamptons mansion, excitement bubbling over me.

There are sheets and tools everywhere, amid the chaos and noise of power tools, sawing and a lot of banging, there are workmen wandering around doing seemingly important jobs.

“I thought they were decorating? Sounds like construction.” I point out, with a raised eyebrow, looking to Jake suspiciously.

“I kinda okayed some minor changes in various places.” Jake smirks at me and my eyebrow raises higher. He doesn’t even try to feign guilt over his admission.

“What happened to the agreement that I would choose the décor? And oversee any refurb!” I narrow my eyes as he ducks under a low hanging cable to avoid my scrutiny and I catch a tell-tale mischievous grin pasted on his face. He is shameless.

“Baby … Bambino, I was never going to be easy to live with. I don’t get why you’re so surprised.” He walks off fast with a backward wink and I shake my head after him, a little exasperated.

No, I wouldn’t expect anything else. This is who he is, and for the most part I like this side of my Cocky Carrero.

Two workmen wander past and I catch them looking me over, eyes skimming my legs as they carry a large sheet of wood; leering at me and passing smirks to one another in quiet agreement. I lift my chin defiantly and glare right back.

“I suggest you keep your eyes on your work or you’ll be finding them scanning the classifieds for another job,” I snap, and both men immediately look away, moving off quickly, acting sheepish. There is no way I am putting up with wandering, sleazy eyes in my own goddamn home. I have realized, through Jake, that men do not have the right to objectify me anymore.

“Saved me the job of doing that.” I’m hit with Jake’s low growl and realize he’s leaning in the doorway watching me. His hand sexily on the jam above his head, stretching out his sculpted torso, a hint of skin peeking from under his lifted shirt and smirking at me with those sexy devouring eyes.

“Maybe it’s about time I started doing it for myself.” I point out and smile as I slowly cross the marble hall and slide into his waiting arms; nuzzling my face into a chest that screams of home.


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