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The Carrero Effect - Falling for the Boss (Billionaire CEO) novel Chapter 282

Fuck’s sake, Carrero.

The name Emma swam in his mind’s eye and he found himself sounding it out, he liked it. Short and sort of soft, in a way. Easy to remember.

Do you want to see me tonight? I really like being with you xxx T.

“Yes, Mrs. Drake.” The voice coming back from the intercom distracted him from replying momentarily; sultry and sort of cute, if he had to describe it and he completely forgot what he was about to respond to T. He definitely had some sort of internal reaction to the sound of her and that wasn’t an entirely good thing. Frowning it away, he focused back on his phone and typed out a response, this one had already met the limit of interest, a week quicker than most and the thought of fucking her again did nothing for him all of a sudden.

Look, sweetheart, it’s been fun. Let’s part as friends and just agree to see each other around. x J

He knew cutting them loose before things got emotional was the best bet and this one had clingy written all over her. He didn’t do relationships, and he certainly didn’t keep the same chick hanging on for weeks on end.

“Ah, Emma, here you are.” Margo purred with a voice laced in adoration, this girl obviously had his second in command wrapped around her little finger already, which was unusual for Margo. The woman didn’t sway easily. Pushing his phone back into his inner pocket and ignoring the buzz of a reply from T, he inclined his head a little in interest at whoever was obviously winning over his assistant and his body paused.

Black, sexy-as-hell stilettos running up creamy, shapely legs to a tight and figure-hugging skirt, from knee to thigh had him almost dropping his mouth open. She wasn’t skinny in that gaunt, supermodel way, she wasn’t even that tall, but she had the kind of curves that were made for holding onto and definitely his kind of thing. She was pretty tiny as women went, but that only added to the whole effect. Moving further up past that well fitted and obviously expensive tailored jacket he caught his breath on the most astounding pair of tits he had ever seen. Not overly huge, just soft and inviting and barely concealed under the low-cut jacket and soft silk blouse. Not much on show, but enough to pique his interest. If he was being honest, then a hell of a lot more interest than he had managed to conjure for any girl in a heck of a long time and that was disturbing. If he had met her anywhere else but here, she wouldn’t still be dressed right now. A graceful creamy neck that looked seriously touchable and he could imagine holding her around it to push her against a wall and devouring that skin. His eyes swept finally to the face that was turned toward Margo, only a profile but a damned perfect one at that and Jake just couldn’t seem to think anymore for a moment.


“Jake, this is Emma Anderson. She’s your new assistant in training. Your new number two.” Margo smiled his way, and he realized he was staring; she hadn’t caught him yet and she sure as hell wouldn’t. He wasn’t some prepubescent teen with zero skills. Looking down at the floor he could already feel himself instinctively taking calming breaths, regaining composure quickly with all the skill of a seasoned Lothario.

Okay, you’re just horny … Obviously! And she’s just not your usual type. New and exciting and you have been bored with the likes of women with forgettable names and no tits lately.

“Miss Anderson.” Jake got up slowly, tensing his neck from side to side, and extending his hand out toward her politely, trying like hell to not react as that face turned his way. She pretty much floored him with the biggest, softest, blue eyes he’d ever seen. An internal sort of gut-punching reaction he had never experienced in his life and had no idea what to do with. It momentarily stunned him.

She had a soft pouting mouth that could do a lot of damage if put to use in the right way and delicate, almost childlike, features that somehow worked in a mature face. There was very precisely and expertly applied subtle makeup under a sleek updo of soft hair, yet you could still see the girl was pretty. God, he would go as far as saying this one was beautiful, and that was rare coming from him. He had seen and bedded enough models over the years to stop being pulled in by symmetrical features and so-called perfection. She was beautiful in another way entirely, not in a fluffed and preened attractive but a real unapologetic, born to make men want her kind of way. Jake felt suddenly uncomfortable and let his eyes flicker back to that body, hoping to God he wasn’t showing just how much she was affecting him.


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