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The Carrero Effect - Falling for the Boss (Billionaire CEO) novel Chapter 291

“I like it how it is. If you want to change it then fine, it can always grow back.” Jake felt stupid as his tone came out, he sounded more like Emma’s boyfriend than her boss about now and Leila was smirking. The urge to push her face into the lounger was strong; if she still had pigtails he was sure he would tie them over her mouth right now.

“Worried your girlfriend won’t get you all hot and bothered with short hair, Jacob?” Leila leaned over Emma and prodded him in the shoulder. He just scowled back at her, she was pushing her luck today. He could easily pick her up and throw her overboard.

“Shut up, wench. Emma has more sense than to let me be her boyfriend.”

And didn’t he know it?

“Oh right, I forgot. You’re just friends.” The honey-like way she said it made him grimace a smile her way, clenched teeth and warning her off with his eyes. He could see that glint of cheeky amusement and really did wonder why Mrs. Huntsberger didn’t smack Leila more as a child. “I can see that,” she added sarcastically, and he wondered if spanking her now would make any difference.

“Really, we are.” Emma sounded quiet, flustered, and he tried to ignore the crazy going off inside of him, trying not to react badly to something he already knew. He should have been used to her subtle rejections by now.

“Well then, you won’t care if I take her to get it all shorn off then, will you?” Leila threw a defiant look his way and he bit his tongue in a bid to stop bickering, frowning, and glaring. As soon as he got her alone he was going to chew her head off.

Devilish little minx, she knew exactly what she was doing.

“Emma can do whatever she wants with her hair. She’ll always look beautiful.” He got up, walking away before he made good and sat on Leila and tried to pull her ears off or something equally immature.


“Someone is not a happy little playboy today!” He heard her say, even though he was moving away to the buffet table and ignored her.


No, he’s fucking not. Last thing he wants is Emma changing, she was perfect the goddamn way she already was!

* * *

After lunch, Jake took Leila and Emma ashore on the speedboat kept moored to the cruiser, any excuse to get that thing out on open waters and let rip. He hoped she wasn’t going to come back with some crazy short hair but what could he do? He had no right to say anything. He wasn’t her boyfriend, just her boss and as much as he invaded her life at times, he knew where the boundaries lay.


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