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The Carrero Effect - Falling for the Boss (Billionaire CEO) novel Chapter 294

Miracle kept her distance on the boat ride, but Marissa was borderline humping his leg much to the un-amusement of her date. Vincent was watching her with a face that just yelled “Tramp” at her. Poor guy should have realized this would happen, there was a reason all their trips had a “No Marissa” rule and he had stupidly broken it. She was like a dog on heat whenever she got within a fifty-mile radius of Jake, had been for years.

Apart from one drunken fuck-up that he had no memory of last month, he had never gone down that route and never would again. Even if she hadn’t broken his heart years ago, she was a coldhearted manipulative bitch that he would have seen through eventually. She was the exact opposite of Emma in every way. Not just in looks but in body and soul. Emma was pure and good in every way that Marissa was dark and nasty. He shrugged her away and moved forward enough in the hopes that they would get ashore before he let go and threw her overboard.

The restaurant was nice and private, it had a beach theme and little palm leaf roofs over each table that made it quirky and relaxed. The tables spilled out onto the sand near the shore and were strung with fairy lights now it was getting dull. Not that Jake cared, his mind was on one thing only. Jake couldn’t help but keep watching for Emma’s arrival, he’d text them when they were on the way here knowing a phone call would only have his so-called mates crooning in the background. He was missing her crazily, it felt like she had been gone for days already and a part of him was nervous that he would hate her new hair.

He swore, not one of them better say anything about the day’s conversation.

Marissa was making a hell of a play at trying to get him into some eye on eye action, he had no idea what was with this chick. No patience for the way she was trying to catch his attention when they all picked seats, so he decided to stay on his feet as far from her as he could manage. Last thing he needed was Emma arriving and seeing Marissa eye humping him when he really wanted to avoid all talk of her.

Daniel stayed upright too, coming to his side as the twins ordered in the first round of drinks at the bar. Miracle was sitting next to Marissa, avoiding him at all costs and obviously still embarrassed about earlier, it was obvious the two didn’t exactly get on but were making conversation out of boredom. Marissa was still watching him a little too hawkishly. He wished she would just fuck off.

The twins came back with trays and started dispersing glasses and bottles all over the table, Jake was handed a beer, Daniel already unsteady on his feet was a sign that maybe he should stop drinking. Daniel had the same tolerance as him, and they had pretty much stayed level in the amount they had drunk all day. If he could see signs of it in Hunter, then he was sure he was probably worse than he realized too, and drunk Jake would be no good at behaving himself around Emma. She was too much of a lure for wandering eyes, hands and mouths.

Jake pushed Hunter playfully as he swayed closer and banged into him for the third time.

“Jesus, man … stop trying to cuddle up to me.” He smirked at him and Daniel just shoved him back.

“You’re the one who’s trying it on with me, all this lack of playtime has you thinking bro sex is acceptable.” Hunter just smirked right back cheekily at him as the two twins decide to stay standing too, the four of them forming a little group on the side of the table and ostracizing both women.

“Never, ever would that be acceptable.” Richard cringed, and Jake just shook his head at him.

“Says the guy who slept naked in a womb with another bloke for nine months and most likely a bed for the first few more.” Jake pointed his bottle at him with a cheeky smile. Jake had no problem with gay men, he knew and liked a few of them but his immediate circle of friends right now was obviously not as comfortable with it.

“Yeah, I reckon Vince is the big spoon and Richie here takes it like a trooper … Brotherly love and all that.” Hunter laughed, amused by his own jokes. Jake smiled too, taking a swig of his mellow beer and watching them closely.

“Shut the fuck up … I am not that way inclined!” Richie made an effort at putting on a manly pose and grabbed at his package crudely. “I’m all horny male for tits and ass.”


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