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The Carrero Effect - Falling for the Boss (Billionaire CEO) novel Chapter 310

Jake headed up on deck looking for Emma half an hour later, changed into a black fitted shirt and jeans, his usual ready to party look. With shades on and a grim expression on his face and a mood to match. He saw her lounging with Leila and called her over, pushing down the ache inside at the sight of her.

“Emma, I need you a second.” His tone was emotionless and borderline pissed, guilt trying to push into his mood, but he stuffed it back down knowing he had to stay in this frame of mind to do this. He gestured her to follow him as he turned and headed away from prying eyes, she followed obediently, and he tried to ignore every part of his heart trying to soften at her mere presence.

No more of this wimpy shit, Carrero.

They walked down to the lower floor of the boat, he could feel Emma behind him, tense, quiet and uncertain, but he had to do this for his own sanity. He had to maintain this anger and mood and leave. Leave her and this stupid infatuation behind so he could go back to just working with her.

“I’m leaving for a couple of days; I’ve left you a credit card in your room in case you want to go out, there’s a car on shore that will take you anywhere you want to go.” His voice was flat, devoid of emotion and trying so hard to avoid looking at those wounded baby blues that could unravel him in seconds. From the corner of his eye he saw her head snap up and eyes search his face, he got a punch in the gut feeling of regret, but he clenched his fists in defiance and gritted his teeth against it.

“Where are you going? We cleared your schedule for two weeks, so you wouldn’t need to go anywhere.” She sounded shocked, her voice slightly higher and faster than normal. He could feel the tension and fear coming from her that he was leaving her alone with these people, but he knew Leila would take care of her and Hunter was back tonight and had sworn with his life to watch over her. To make sure no one else tried anything, and that she had a relaxing end to the trip. He felt like an asshole to be leaving her though, he had promised he would take care of her, and he was being a dickhead by not doing that. She had to know this was the best for both of them though.

“Change of plan … try to relax and have fun, if you can,” he said it angrily, at himself, not her. She was looking at him more and more like she was about to cry, and he just felt like punching himself in the face. Anger ripping through him at a hundred miles an hour and worsening his mood.

I’m sorry, bambino.

“Do you need me to come?” she replied coolly in her PA tone. It wasn’t what he wanted, but it made this easier on him, closing her out. Taking the feeling out of the conversation and it just reminded him of the fact that this would always be her. She would never love him.

“No, I don’t,” he replied coldly, fully resigned that what he was doing was right.

“Jake, you pay me to be at your beck and call and go with you at a moment’s notice,” she retorted haughtily, mannerisms back and the tight lift of that defiant chin. He took a moment to look at that face as a reminder that he would never cross this line again. Every part of him hurting to the point he just felt desolation again.

“I don’t pay you to watch me fuck other women, Emma,” he snarled at her nastily, frustration making him react. Regretting it as soon as it was out of his mouth but not willing to apologize over this and show any weakness. If he wanted professionalism back, then he had to make her hate him a little bit, even if it killed him.

Emma looked shocked and a little hurt and the urge to take it all back hit him harder, only giving him more resolve to be harsher to kill this friendship the coldest way and be done with it. He looked away from those endless sea eyes that ripped his heart from his chest and hardened his face.

“I’m redefining the boundaries of our relationship—uncrossing the line. That’s what you called it, right?” He tossed back casually, avoiding looking at that beautiful face, he couldn’t keep this up with her so close.

Chapter 299 1

Chapter 299 2

Chapter 299 3


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