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The Carrero Effect - Falling for the Boss (Billionaire CEO) novel Chapter 313

Waiting for them all to clear he walked forward to follow them into the elevator and immediately felt his heart thud through his chest. As though some unearthly force had just conjured her up for him out of nowhere because he had dared to think it. His eyes met hers as soon as he stepped foot inside. Some force of nature making sure he connected with her as soon as he had even walked into the damn thing. She was near the back, behind a bunch of employees and those baby blues met his for a mere second with all the force of a tidal wave. He couldn’t breathe.

She was wearing her light-gray tailored jacket and pencil skirt from the first time he had ever laid eyes on her, over a pale-pink silk blouse but with her soft hair still loose, still waves of perfection and a golden halo around that perfect face. It was all a little too painful to bear after weeks of only conjuring her up in his head, and he turned as he found a spot to stand, putting her behind him so he could think about how to handle this. His stomach was churning, a deep painful ache in his chest that made it near impossible to pretend she wasn’t so close. Every part of him straining and aching to just turn and look at her, he wanted to hear her voice, see her smile.

She was beautiful, stunning, still his angel.

The elevator stopped, and some men shuffled in and out, he moved further back, still just focusing on his breathing and scrambling thoughts, staring straight ahead for a little control and wondering what he should say to her. He wanted to say something, anything, but he was temporarily rendered mute. Her perfume filling the air around him, he couldn’t move, feet locked to the ground and unable to relax at all. She was close enough to just reach out and touch if he turned to look at her, but he just couldn’t. It hurt too damn much and being back with her only highlighted how much he was still crazy in love with her. He hadn’t moved on in any way at all and this just reminded him of how much his life was completely fucked without her.

More people moved in at the next stop, and he had to shuffle back, closer to her, her perfume getting clearer and causing him considerable pain. He could feel her, the heat of her body in the elevator despite the other people and he was aware of only her and her proximity. He was almost beside her now, almost shoulder to shoulder save for a gap being forced between them by the man standing just in front of them, he glanced her way warily. His mind just wanting to look at her again and caught those beautiful blues as she did the same thing.


It was like a thunderbolt to his heart and when she looked away quickly and stared at the floor, he couldn’t help the overwhelming need and longing to just step forward and touch her. To lift her chin up and just stare at her and tell her he wanted her back in his life. He needed her in his life. Instead, he stared forward at the doors like a coward, trying to rein it all in and losing sight of anyone else in here apart from her and the sheer agony of this.

Say something to her, stop being an asshole and speak.

Chapter 302 1


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