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The Carrero Effect - Falling for the Boss (Billionaire CEO) novel Chapter 41

“Something wrong?” he asks while studying my face. I put my head down and head into the kitchen, switching on the kettle, avoiding him. Willing my burning face to cool down; I know I’m probably blushing like mad.

“No.” I answer over brightly and focus on getting the mugs ready.

“You’re acting weird, shorty … What gives?” he’s frowning. Noticing it from the corner of my eye, I carry on with what I’m doing; the blood has rushed to my face even more so now and I am mildly freaking out.

“I’m just making coffee.” I shrug, trying to appear normal.

Jesus, Jake, leave me be. Stay back.

“Look at me then,” he commands. I tense and glance up, pasting a fake smile on my lips. Raising eyebrows before returning to what I’m doing, the heat radiating all over me and return quickly to looking at anything but him but that is so hard to do in a space this small.

“Okay … What did I do?” he crosses his arms menacingly, his biceps bulging, the stubborn Carrero look plastered all over him. I think I may faint.

“Nothing.” I laugh nervously. I drop the spoon and spill coffee granules everywhere with fumbling hands.


“Spill, Anderson … I’ll torture it out of you. You know I will.” He walks toward me with a look that means business and I cave weakly. If I let him get too close, I may self-combust. I may actually pass out right in front of him.

I need to calm my hormones down.

“We kissed,” I squeak as he gets dangerously close to touching me. Then I hide behind my loose hair as shame envelopes me tenfold. I can’t tell him that I practically molested him in his sleep. That we were dry humping and I know what he feels like turned on and pushed up against me.

“I’ve been known to do more than kiss in my sleep.” He laughs. No hint of shock at all. “They call it ‘Sexsomnia’. It happens very rarely. It’s like a form of sleepwalking.” He shrugs it off, obviously in acceptance of this quirk of his.

Only Jake would have a manly sex related sleeping disorder. Well, that explains a lot!

He comes to stand beside me, and I try not to shrink.

“Are you mad at me?” his breath warms my neck, indicating how close he is. I tense and move away to get more coffee from the cupboard, glad of the reason to move away. He has no idea that internally my body is acting like a pubescent teen after her first sexual experience.

“No … it was …you were asleep.” I have no idea what to say.

Do I admit that I was the one who started it? That I liked it.

My heart’s pounding through my chest, his proximity making breathing difficult suddenly, in a way I have never reacted to him.

“Well, that’s not fair … You get to have a memory, but I have none … I demand a re-enactment.” There’s humor in his voice as his hand catches my shirt from behind, pulling me back against him softly, his mouth by my ear. “How about a replay, Anderson? Literally make my dreams come true.”

I swat him away, pulling myself free, my skin burning and shame swamping me. I should have known he would react this way. Casanova Carrero! He makes a joke about everything, so why not this?

I can’t help myself. I giggle, relieving some of the tension at his playfulness, the usual flirty Jake while still trying to twist free from the body I’m a little too sensitive to.

“Go away.” I scald lightly as he tries to capture me again, this time holding my wrists in front of me so I can’t get away from him. My body held taught, his mouth by my ear, he has my back pressed to his abdomen.


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